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2009-06-02 22:17:51| 人氣733| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Tell me someone knows the guy whose name is Daniel
I've been looking for him more than 20 minutes
I guess he is starving
Or he could be aiming to use this to learn about fractions

Got to find him quickly putting his aim aside
I should do what I can
Ask that ma'am if she knows
Hey ma'am have you heard of a guy whose occupation
is mathematician around here?

Am I in wrong condo?
No way I have checked it 3 times or more
So how come I can't find him?
Tell me someone knows the guy whose name is Daniel
Tu tu tu...

Wait he could be aiming to learn about a pie chart
That explains why he choose "Pepperoni Quattro"
But in that case I guess
Sorry to be smart ass
He had better use pies instead

Am I in wrong condo?
No way I have checked it 3 three times or more
So how come I can't find him?
Tell me someone knows the guy whose name is Daniel
Tu tu tu...

台長: はぐ
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 收音機 |
此分類下一篇:DEW朝露-Thank you
此分類上一篇:touch Me!

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