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2006-02-17 08:14:14| 人氣58| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Happy Nation~快樂國度

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Laudate omnes gentes laudate
Magnificat in secula
Et anima mea laudate

Living in a happy nation.
Where the people understand,
And dream of perfect man.
Situation, leading to a sweet salvation.
For the people, for the good.
For mankind, brotherhood.

We try to lead in time.

Ideas by man, and only that will last,
And know the time, we learn from the past.
There’s no man fit, to rule the world alone,
The man will die, but not his ideas.

Travelling in time.

Tell them we’ve gone too far.
Come through and I will dance with you.
Tell them we’ve gone too far.

Happy nation.

台長: Adriano
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