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2006-04-27 02:15:39| 人氣47| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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These days, I am very very tired.

Have to work in the day time, extra long hours working...off at 6.30 pm or sometimes later than that. Arrive home at around 7.15 pm is the earliest (after commuting). I usually fall alseep on the bus..zzzz...too tired.

After dinner, I really want to throw myself in bed but I could not. I have to take shower, but last nite, I am very exhausted, I have to take a nap before shower because I don’t have any energy for taking a shower. This is like, the first time I feel that I am so so so tired.

Took shower at 12 am, then started to study after that. Could no longer go on reading at around 3am.

Went to bed at 3.30am, too nervous about the exam, running out of time..... slept around 4 am..

Got up at 7.50am this morning, feel like can’t move at all, but still have to get up and work.

One day, I am afraid that I will fall or faint....

Gees, when will this kind of life end?

God, please let me know ASAP.

台長: 迷暈蛋


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