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2006-06-28 21:14:46| 人氣549| 回應4 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

no Good news for long.... A letter to God

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Dear God,

This letter is wrriten specially to you and the inner me.
Since you know the CocaCola is holding a lottery recently,the prizes include 100 lenovo laptops, 8,888 monster world games, 1,000,000 60hrs free trial, 1,000,000 one for free, nonetheless, i got no one after 5 times purchasing.

SO the KMT can smile a little bit since they only fail once! BUT never think of trying to let anyone down for the general Good of our people.

DPP is just like DDT which can kill any honest and Good bugs or insects with kind spirits & souls in and out this wonder isLand.

ANd i’m still begging to have a better life without worries and simutaneous angers arisen from this tremendous tiny holding Co..

Breathless for lightenning,
just can’t Hear any Good news from anyone Else, including your mAjesty honouR.

Dear my LORD,

i’m begging you to do some Goods on me and the others.
Let the world to be a better place to be and let your kind grooming lights shin on me and this isLand.

Shining from day to night.

Generously to All, SO i beg YOU.... so i beg you.

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