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2005-05-23 02:23:08| 人氣238| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Recently I had a big trouble. It stuck and made me not do something with it. Maybe it could be thought as a disease. Maybe I am so tired that the illness is inflected with me. I tried many times to get ride of it. But the outcome of my struggling is thoroghly lost. I was defeated by the powerful virus.The illness seemed to get worse after catching the disease.In fact,I have not seen the sunshine of morning and enjoyed a wonderful meal for a long time. Whenever getting up in daily life,I was always astonished and found that the time is near the noon. The matter reminded me of two things,”half of a day has passed by” and ”it is time to lunch and get up right now.”Therefore, anyone can tell me weather I need a doctor or give me some advices. I fell into illness,losing the ability to get up early.

台長: 六隻腳的動物
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