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2006-10-13 11:44:42| 人氣82| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

HowMany Bards Gild the Lapses of Time!

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How many bards gild the lapses of time!

A few of them have ever been the food

Of my delighted fancy,--I could brood

Over their beauties,earthly,or sublime:

And often,when I sit me down to rhyme,

These will in throngs before my mind intrude:

But no confusion,no disturbance rude

Do they occasion;’tis a plwasing chime.

So the unnumber’d sounds that evening store:

The songs of birds--the wisp’ring of that heaves--

The voice of waters--the great bell that heaves

With solemn sound,--and thousand others more,

That distance of recognizance bereaves,

Make plwasing music,and not wild uproar.

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此分類下一篇:Sonnet 116 / William Shakespeare

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