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2009-07-31 15:05:57| 人氣155| 回應0 | 上一篇

about the classmates reunion

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first, that is not classmates reunion, that is just a .. party. reunion party.

don't you see  only a half classmates sitting there?

i don't get you, too.

why u just blamed on me?

why me?

how about others?

was there a spy in our party?

why u just know i did make the mistake?

all i can say is i don't get u. and either do you, right?

we have nothing in common .. earlier before.

if you're just disappointed at me , and pretend that u don't know me.

then i'll say           i don't know u any more.

you can leave now.

may you have a happy college life,too


in your poor, lame, nameless college



台長: ---大牙齒↗
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