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2008-12-30 22:44:10| 人氣102| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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the passage i don't  know what i wrote.

the life i don't know how i live.

the purpose i don't know  what it should be.

i just wanna know , what i can do perfectly.

i don't want to do something cryptically.

i    i   i    i   i   i  ~i   i   i i i i  i   i   i  i   i   i i  i

let it die and get out of my mind

we don't see eye to eye

or hear ear to ear


the saddest part of a broken heart 

isn't the ending so much as the start ......


from           Feist - let it die

台長: ---大牙齒↗
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