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2003-08-24 19:48:23| 人氣1,263| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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大概兩年前,在一位來自台灣的網友(其實也是筆者的偶像---Vyrus樂團主音歌手Chan)介紹下,而接觸到Kamelot樂隊的音樂,若閣下覺得重型金屬搖滾吵耳的話,恐怕Kamelot未及適合你們,但筆者仍然向大家推介他們的一首來自他們第六張專輯”Karma”裡的抒情作品 ”Don’t You Cry”,事關這首作品確實使筆者如癡如醉。
老實講,筆者說不上是Kamelot的樂迷,對他們的認識仍很膚淺,畢竟音樂可以將人與人的距離拉近。筆者也可從Kamelot的歌曲裡感受到, Kamelot 是一夥不折不扣的搖滾樂隊。但今趟在”Don’t You Cry”裡, 他們放下一貫以來的「重」和電結他,也收起了心中的怒火,換來的是優美的小提琴弦樂、輕悠如絲的木結他勾指、男子漢的感性和歌者哼出那綿綿的情話。誰說搖滾樂不可以這樣?今趟Kamelot卻証明給大家看,樂與怒也可以「怒得有感情」!!!!
說回筆者聽後的感覺吧!這真是一首十分令人動容的歌曲,猶如一齣史詩式文藝片中的插曲,很有情調。心想,如果可以像《非洲之旅》(Out Of Africa)中的羅拔烈福和梅麗史翠普般,一邊播著” Don’t You Cry”(這首並不是《非洲之旅》插曲),一邊與愛侶手牽手坐在飛機上漫步非洲的烈空, 由天上望下去, 橫跨非洲的大自然, 橫跨非洲的大海洋……試想想,這是多麼美妙,真的What A Wonderful World!!!!(Sorry,離題了)

Don’t You Cry
(dedicated to the memory of Thomas Youngblood Sr.)

little by little
I’ve come to this point
on my own I’ve been searching my way
I lost you so early
the days went so fast
you don’t know I prayed every day

a song to remember
a song to forget
you’ll never know how I tried
to make you proud
and to honor your name but
you never told me goodbye

now that your are gone
casting shadows from the past
you and all the memories will last

don’t you cry
or suffer over me
I will be waiting for you
don’t you cry
angels never fade away
I’ll be watching over you
see you through

now I’m a man and
I’m feeling you still
could it be you were there all along
a time to surrender
a time to forgive
with solace I give you this song

now that you are gone
casting shadows from the past
in my dreams I hear your voice at last

don’t you cry
or suffer over me
I will be waiting for you
don’t you cry
angels never fade away
I’ll be watching over you

I can see you tonight
in the pale winter light
father and son again
the bond of blood will never end

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