Chiron Square Uranus
Uproar ***
Valid during many months: A series of sudden and unexpected events will probably strain your nerves to the utmost, making this a difficult time. This is most likely to happen if you have spent the last few years trying to please everyone. Any turmoil in the outside world is merely an indication that you have been seething inside for quite some time. Although it would be understandable if you now felt like packing everything in, this is certainly not the best solution. You will find it hardest to tolerate hypocritical and sanctimonious behavior - whether your own or others’. It is therefore important to clear the air and to honestly consider which aspects of your life reflect your authentic inner nature.
This influence will help you to scrutinize your ideals and visions, and to take your leave from those which are no longer relevant to any important decisions you have to make. For example, you might find that a political party or like- minded group of people of which you were once a member has lost its appeal. A clear decision to take all your imperfections seriously, and not to make lazy compromises, can be both healing and liberating, helping to give birth to new things in your life.
Saturn Square Chiron
Tolerance and acceptance ***
Valid during many months: This will be a difficult time during which you will have to fight for your independence and the recognition you deserve. If you usually play down your achievements this influence will reinforce this tendency, leading to depressed moods and feelings of resignation and inadequacy. You may fear that some of your personal weaknesses and uncertainties are incompatible with your high self-expectations. If you are a fighter by nature your behavior may swing from periods of aggressive self-sufficiency interspersed with occasional breakdowns during which you will question both your aims and ability to achieve them, together with your whole sense of inner integrity.
You will suffer from not being able to change your spots to leave all your inhibitions and weaknesses behind, and might feel that your vulnerability and uncertainty are severe disabilities which you would rather not admit to having. This influence touches on painful experiences where we have the feeling that we have somehow failed, or situations in which we have suffered rejection at the hands of our father or some other figure of authority. These and similar experiences can form the basis of a deep sense of uncertainty and extreme vulnerability. In later life we then overcompensate in some areas while erecting strong emotional defenses in others. These are the underlying causes of any difficulties and tensions which you are now suffering. To gain something positive from this influence you need to come to terms with these painful experiences and the often unbearable embarrassment they cause, and to learn to see them as something positive. Try to accept whatever happens and to adopt a more relaxed attitude that will enable you to integrate these aspects into your life.
Mercury Trine Chiron
Deeper understanding
This quality of time will help you to develop a deeper understanding of those psychological areas that are connected with the experience of pain, suffering and rejection. This influence is especially well suited to so deepening the understanding of these interrelations that the first inklings of how to carry out a healing can be perceived. During this phase it is important to talk to other people who are interested in this theme. This time is well suited to penetrating the complicated connections and dependencies between human behavior, the psyche and early injuries - to differentiate between cause and effect -, whether for yourself or for someone who has confided in you.
Chiron Trine Venus
Meaningful encounter ***
Valid during many months: This influence can bring with it a deeply satisfying, liberating experience; perhaps you will simply enjoy yourself with more gusto and freedom than usual and take pleasure in life. In any case this quality of time is beneficial, whether profoundly at the psychological level, or pleasurable, exhilarating and short-lived in the external world.
There may be a very meaningful encounter during this time - with your partner, someone close to you, or someone whom you have never met before. This encounter will be so deep and personal that you will have the opportunity to perceive and possibly even discuss things about yourself that you have preferred to suppress up to now, and not reveal to anyone. These things are discernible again and again, whether we care to believe it or not, especially in close, intimate relationships. They hinder our natural expression of ourselves, our being in harmony with our own bodies and other’s; they make us unsure of ourselves, and cause us to anxiously avoid certain situations.
The present quality of time allows you to deal with these earlier experiences. A deep personal encounter, bringing understanding and sympathy with it, gives you the chance to behave differently and, for once, to act out of character. With such an encounter now, you can acknowledge and reveal your injury or sensitivity, without being hurt or rejected once more. This calls for great courage, as in just such a situation the old fears are resurrected and certain, well- practiced defense mechanisms come into play. That is why it is important that you allow this encounter to take place, and are able to commit yourself with all your nakedness and injury. Then you will have a deeply satisfying, healing experience that will show that you too, with your weaknesses and sensitivities, are desirable and worthy of love.
Chiron Square Jupiter
A crisis of faith ***
Valid during many months: This difficult time will test your spiritual or religious convictions. Even so, this influence is basically positive, because it will make you aware of any inconsistencies in your world view. It can also help you to see the detrimental effect on your personal well-being caused by relying too much on ideals, which will allow you to achieve a healthy degree of independence. You therefore now have a chance to either revive or rediscover your spiritual or philosophical freedom.
This influence could indicate an ongoing crisis of faith in which your highest ideals are called into question. You may come to realize that your motivations were not as altruistic as you would have liked to believe; you might also come to the conclusion that your ideals have been an attempt to compensate for, or cover up, any personal weaknesses. You might realize that you have been chasing after false prophets which have led you far from your own individual path.
It is as if you have been using your noble ideals to suppress the animalistic, physical side of your nature. These will now make their presence felt, demanding to be taken seriously. This will force you to change or expand your philosophical outlook, which in turn could cause you to make radical changes in your life. Whatever happens, this influence gives you an opportunity to examine whether your world view is compatible with all influences of your nature.
Sun Conjunction Chiron
Show your injuries *
During this time a particular sore point of yours is disturbed, a sensitivity or vulnerability that you may not be aware of. So it may well be that you react as you have perhaps always reacted to such situations: You are distressed, hurt, you distance yourself and forget the incident as quickly as possible. If you do not react by withdrawing as you usually do, but instead show that you have been hurt, you will earn the freedom to behave differently in this, for you, typical situation. That is, of course, easier said than done, but this influence offers you an outstanding opportunity to stand far enough outside yourself to show your own injuries. If you recognize the situation in question and react to it, you will win new strength and confidence.