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【Transit】-- Chiron (I)

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Chiron Opposition Saturn
The highest commandment ***
Valid during many months: During this difficult time others may find you unusually uncommunicative and cold. You will feel like withdrawing and isolating yourself. You will be plagued by feelings of loneliness, inadequacy and inferiority, or even of desperation and depression. Your pride could easily be hurt in any kind of dispute, while others might accuse you of being unable to compromise.
You will often have problems when you are called on to show discipline, responsibility and endurance, or when asked not to throw in the towel when the going gets tough. This will make you painfully aware that your vulnerability often causes you to make unneccesary and fruitless attempts to justify yourself. Radical revisions and changes in your more basic views and principles could make this a time of crisis in any long-term relationship. Avoid at all costs the mistake of accusing your partner of being responsible for leading you away from your true nature. Try instead to gain his support for any changes which you are currently going through. Despite any problems that may arise under this influence, the highest commandment is that you should admit to your own mistakes failings without immediately condemning yourself.

Chiron Trine Mars
A step further ***
Valid during many months: This quality of time can prove to be particularly advantageous if you understand how to make the most of what possibilities are available. You are firm, energetic and self- assured, and you feel less helpless and at the mercy of others than is perhaps usually the case. This gives you the chance to loudly and clearly admit to having those desires and needs that you have often not dared show, because of your feelings of insecurity or inadequacy. Nevertheless these needs exist, and during this time you have enough courage and self- confidence to acknowledge them and overcome the inhibitions concerned.
It is, therefore, a good time to tell someone about your feelings or desires. If at present you have a firm relationship, you can now talk to your partner about needs of yours which, for some reason, you are ashamed of. In short, the quality of time is on your side, if, for once, you want to act out of character without falling flat on your face. If you are prepared to risk taking such a step, you will observe that you by no means meet with a lack of understanding or a rejection; you may even, in this way, encourage your counterpart to come clean about things which he would not otherwise have dared to mention.

In sport, too, or in love, you could try something new today, or go a step further than you otherwise would. If you then see that your inhibitions or fears were groundless, you could also develop a perhaps more intimate relationship with your body as a result of this positive experience.

Independent of all that has been described up to now is the fact that this is also a particularly good time to undergo operations, acupuncture, dental care or some other procedure, or to begin such a course of therapy. This influence can significantly help you with all therapeutic treatments and physical challenges.

Chiron Trine Moon

Don’t panic! ***
Valid during many months: This influence allows you to gain new insights into your feelings, hopes and desires. You will, however, need to keep an open mind and be willing to learn, because this influence does not really compel you in any way. It might be more a case of allowing something to happen than achieving it through your own efforts.
This influence is exclusively concerned with those feelings and desires which shame or embarrass you, or those which are somehow painful or a burden. You are now more able to recognize such feelings, both within yourself and in others. How you react to others will mainly depend on how you relate to yourself. You might find it easier to accept such feelings in others than in yourself, particularly if someone you trust confronts you with painful aspects of yourself. If this happens do not attempt to play the understanding advisor or therapist. You will best be able to help by revealing something about yourself. If you can do this, the other person could help you to gain a deeper understanding of your own inner pain.

In any case you should now find it much easier to recognize your own weaknesses and vulnerabilities. A discussion with your mother, or someone with whom you have a similar relationship, could help you to find new ways of overcoming old emotional pain or sensitivity.

Chiron Square Chiron
Bad luck for tell-tales ***
Valid during many months: Under this influence you could cause yourself considerable harm by making strenuous attempts to overcompensate for your weaknesses - for example by overdoing things or taking on tasks for which you are not yet ready. Demanding far too much of yourself is likely to lead to some kind of failure or disgrace, which will only serve to reopen old wounds. Less dramatic effects are also possible which nevertheless have the same root causes. You could, for example, feel that you are often your own worst enemy when dealing with others. Trying to appear strong when you actually feel weak could lead you into unpleasant situations.
You will find it easiest to cope with this influence if you can admit that, unlike baron Münchhausen, you are unable to pull yourself out of the swamp by your own hair. No heroic feat of strength can undo old wounds. If you can recognize this you will be able to avoid the more unpleasant side-effects of this influence, but also to realize where bypassing old pain might have caused you to skip important stages in your personal development. Try to accept these uncomfortable feelings without overreacting. This influence will help you to find ways of healing old wounds connected to the physical and instinctive sides of your nature, or at very least how you can better integrate them into your life.

台長: 湖心
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