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Taipei international art villege news

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--- bt-tav 的訊息:> 菀菱:妳的聯絡電話都不對,只好寄望E-mail可以聯絡上妳。
> 這篇文章很急,我8/7要給出去,可否請妳翻譯,謝謝!
> 游麗莉.
> 十六世紀的歐洲藝術,因為有麥迪奇家族的大力贊助,設立
>in the sixteenth centry the European art had been powerfully supported by Madichy Family in the sattle of important prize in Rome, and support the artists winner to enter and inhabit in the Madichy House of Florance in Italy.Therefore it had made artists around various place in European accepted cross art chic in hundreds of culture, and had attchived Florance became the babysiter of the Literary enlightenment Period.
> 為麥迪奇家族的宏大願景所感動,也為響應臺北市文化局的「藝企相投」計畫,統一企業公司以《駐市藝術家左岸系列》為題,贊助法國藝術家來台駐村,期望結合台北國際藝術村之專業,協助建構台北、巴黎雙向文化交流,將巴黎塞納河左岸藝術人文精神的深層意涵及感染力,藉由《駐市藝術家左岸系列》引渡到台北,分享市民。
>For the movement of the gorgious ideal by Madichy Family's great wish,and both for the plan of Taipei Culture Bureau in activity to contribute "combining art and enterprize",the President Enterprize Company makes title of "the series of left bay inhabit artist of the Taipei city", in order to help France artists to live temperarilly in this city, that is the hope to connect taipei national artist villeage with profession, and help to construct Taipei and Paries into the cultural inter-action, by means of this program to move the deep meaning and influence of artistic cultural spirit in the series of Paries Nasser River Left Bay, to let all citizens enjory in such movement.
> 目前台北國際藝術村已邀請兩位知名的法國藝術家賈克‧伯賽(Jacques
> Bosser)與菲利普‧宇圖(Philippe
> Hurteau)來台,藉由他們獨特的台北文化經驗,為「法國左岸藝術家系列」拉開序幕。
Right now Taipei National Artists Villege has provided introduce with two famous Franch artists to visit Taiwan:Jacques Bosser and Philippe Hurteau,
Jacques, and by means of their special Taipei culture experience, to open the stage curtain of these series activities of France Left Bay Artists in Taipei.
> Bosser的創作,包含攝影與繪畫,他並且將兩項媒介交錯運用,形成具有詩意又現代感的風格。Philippe
> Hurteau曾經獲得被法國年輕藝術家視為極高榮譽的羅馬大獎,目前正在美國洛杉磯進行一項「Cam
> projects」的計畫,他將延伸此計畫來台,進行「Taipei
> Cam-project」,攝取一些與城市或地點有關的媒體影像,進行壁畫創作;如同他以往的作品,都是取材自電腦、電視、網路以及照片等螢幕的影像。
>The creation of Bosser contains the art ofphotograph and painting, he also applies two kinds of media into cross-produce so that become the style of poetic and modernism constructment. Philippe Hurteau once wined the most honoured Big Roman Prize between France Young Artists,and right now he is doing a program of"Cam projects" in American SanFransisco, he shall prolong this plan into Taiwan, to make "Taipei Cam-project" get media image and the creation of wall paintings... something related with city or place, just as his works ever before, they are all take the images in the moniter from PC, TV, WEB,and PHOTO, and so on.>


台長: 吳菀菱
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