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2011-05-29 18:13:07| 人氣443| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

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Ch\n    b@i   hu^     qi\          yu&


Xi~  y<u li`ng f=ng       d>ng      xu+


Ru] w:  xi`n  sh|         z~i   x[n  tou


Zh&ng sh| r*n ji^n  h@o  sh{   ji*   慧開 禪師 <無門關>詩集 (1183-1260 A.D.)

Flowers blossom in the spring, moonlight brighten the autumn night,

Cool breeze flow in the summer and snow falls in the winter.

If there is no worrisome hanging in my mind,

Then it would be the best of the time in the world.

(Four seasons throughout the year are just like birth, aging, sickness and death in our life. They are the nature processes)

台長: 無明
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