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2010-08-22 12:24:15| 人氣2,901| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Tibetan Milk Mushroom

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剛濾過經清洗後的Tibetan Milk Mushroom  感謝天使般的 Lin 讓我有緣接觸 廣為介紹

雪蓮菌奶的培育 浸泡在有機奶中 二十四小時過濾 濾出即成 像優格 可加配料草莓等併飲

不能碰油 金屬

雪蓮菌會不斷增加 可以分送予人 但不作交易營利 對人體的幫助可以摘錄百項 可以參考

“Hi! It’s me, Lin. I brought the Tibetan Milk Mushroom(kefir milk) for you. Where are you now? “I’m in Lan’s restaurant.” Lin said.

“Not far away. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” I replied.


It’s a busy restaurant at noon. Many customers were waiting in line for coffee or baked goods. Walking around the restaurant, I wondered where I could find Lin. Finally, Lin came out from kitchen, a tag hanging around her neck. When she came back, she held a mesh collander that contained a cup covered with a paper towel, she handed it to me.

“What’s this for?” I asked doubtfully, pointing to the net

“For draining it, call me if you have any questions.” She then gave me some instructions and left with a charming smile and went through the doorway.


“Tibetan milk mushroom” I have never heard of that before. The first time I even didn’t know how to drink it. Googled Tibetan milk mushroom, and I watched You Tube to see what is really like.


1) Strained yogurt to drink

2) Clean mushroom with cold water.

3) Dry with a paper towel (to make sure very dry)

4) Put mushroom in a dry clean bowl.

5) Add I cup organic whole milk to mushroom and cover with a paper towel.

6) Leave in a dark dry place for 24 hours.

7) Repeat steps from1-6.

8) Drink for 20 days everyday and skip 10 days.


Following her instructions, I saw that it grows. I used nonfat milk to grow it. Now its situation is good. After I dried them, it just looks like popcorn, bright and pure white. It tasted like yogurt. Lin told me that it’s not necessary to put into the refrigerator, but to keep them in a dark place. The mushroom allergy metal, oil and water. Now I’ve drunk them three times, and even used them for a shower. Before sleeping, I drank it. I felt release in my stomach pain and my joint pain.

The recipe came from Tibet over many thousand years ago. And it grows friendships as well. “Remember to share with others and not for the commercial purpose” Lin said.

台長: 無明
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2010-09-06 19:22:26
2010-09-12 20:02:44
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