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2009-08-01 08:48:08| 人氣652| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

黃粱一夢 Dream of A Dream

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After taking a nap, Ah Hong opened his eyes, stretched his arms, and asked his wife doubtfully, “That’s it?”


The dishes were set on the table: Asparagus, fried eggplant, mushrooms, brown rice, salad, and vegetable soup, lemon juice, orange juice, and tortillas. It took his wife a while to cook it all. Ah Hong thought of a story:

Several hundred years ago, there was a poor student, named Lu. When he traveled to Han Dan, a southern city in China, he stayed in a hotel. The owner of hotel was ready to cook rice and invited Lu to eat with him. After the long trip, Lu was very tired and went to sleep unintentionally. Lu dreamed of marrying a daughter from a rich family. Then luckily he passed an examination, took a government job, and even got a promotion to the prime minister of the country. All of his business were smooth, and he had a successful career. At last he had a happy and long life. When Lu woke up, the rice was still cooking on the stove.

What had happened to Lu? Why did the dream feel so real? Ah Hong shook his head and ate his food quietly.



蘆筍茄子香菇糙米飯 煎餅 番茄 鱷梨 青菜湯檸檬汁 橘子汁粗茶淡飯不禁想起一個故事來:從前有一位盧姓窮書生,路過一家旅店歇息。睡著了做了個夢夢見自己娶了一位富貴人家的千金為妻赴京趕考中進士,仕途順利,還做了宰相享盡榮華富貴一直到老終其天年醒來爐灶上的黃粱米穀還沒蒸熟可是夢中的情境卻非常真實

人生短短除了飽食外生命的真實意義 卻在哪裡

Life is too short, not only for eating. What's the real meaning for in your life?

台長: 無明
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: 豆豆集 |
此分類下一篇:曇花一現,Epiphyllum-Night Blooming Flower


2009-08-01 13:53:59
夢裡依舊是故人 卻將明月送秋風
2009-08-03 11:54:00
人生目的:超生了死 免輪迴之苦
2012-06-21 10:42:53
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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