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2009-06-30 00:59:47| 人氣752| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

天使-心隆 In the Hospital

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回到家,已是筋疲力盡、經過幾天折騰,感冒仍未完全康癒的阿鍾,把珍妮安頓好。電話鈴響,師父的聲音傳來,祝珍妮生日快樂! 同一時間,遠處正有一個餐會在進行,好像也在為珍妮的出院慶生。


In the Hospital



After a two-hourcolon surgery, and a short time under observation, I woke up. I waved my hands to the doctors, as I was moved to the patient’s room. My blood pressure had been lowered to 70. The nurse took my temperature and blood pressure often.


To prevent me from vomiting, I licked a rock sugar which I brought from home, I felt much better.At my request, a jar of ice water and a candy were left by my bedside.


It seemed awkward to carry all those tubes: the IV tube hung on my left arm, the anesthetic tube hung on the back of my spine and the tube urine bag hung on my lower back.Holding the nurse’s hand, step by step, I walked slowly in the hallway. Takinga walk let the intestines return to normal move, I appreciated that the nurse intended to help me to let the air out.

“Hey!” Yu, She gave an enthusiastic greeting to us, holding a pink orchid, surprised to see my walking there.

“Marvelous! Your situation is much better than my mom’s!” she yelled.


The wound was not really hurting. the doctor came often to ask, 

“What is your pain level from one to ten in the scale?”

I had never measured my pain before. Rolling my eyes, I said,” It is zero,” Ah hong, my husband,brought a laptop for me. He said, “You may forget the pain when you log on to your blog.” To prevent blood clots, I wore tight, long pressured socks that kept on messaging both of legs.


At the beginning, I could see, hear, and talk, but I couldn’t feel myself urinate until one day I felt the warm fluid come out. The nurse took off the urine bag and the tube,helping me take a quick shower. I was much more comfortable.

The second day doctor took out the anesthesia tube. “You don’t need to suffer,” the doctor said. To ease the pain, I took a pill with a nurse watching me. And my pain was3.


Sharon, a forty-year-old lady, short, black, and with shinning face, had always reminded me of meal times. “You may order meal now. She usually delivered the food by herself to the patients’ room. Sometimes she prepared an extra serving for Ah Hong. She also would wait for me to finish the food and then clean up the dishes


After drinking a bowl of vegetable soup, I felt a little more energy come back. In the morning, I ate a pancake, a banana, and a little cereal. My abdomen rose like a balloon. “Don’t eat too much at one time. Increase the food gradually,” the doctor suggested.


A couple of close friends visited me. I became talkative. Originally I cancelled the operation. The primary doctor rescheduled it with serious concern. I pulled a pillow on my abdomen when they made jokes. I said, “Because of pain, I can’t laugh. I can’t cough.” Once in a while, I felt a little gas come out.


That weekend, my doctor was on vacation. As my wish, his assistant doctor signed the discharge paper. I told Sharon excitedly,” I will be discharged today, on my birthday. “Waiting for the papers in the room, I saw a nurse and several staff members crowd into the room. Sharon carried a cake decorated with colorful dots on the top and two boxes of ice cream. Ah Hong took a picture for us. We sang happy birthday together. It was a happy and warm day.


After staying inthe hospital for three and a half days, I appreciated all my caregivers. I wrote thank-you cards to my doctors, nurses, and to the staff members in the hospital:

Thanks for all of your fantastic care, Sharon, you made a bright day which I have never forgotten.I’m recovering and back to my normal life now.


To all my friends:

I will always remember your friendship. It is nice to make friends with you. May you and your family be happy and healthy.


To my family:

Without you, I couldn’t recover so fast. Your call warmed in my heart. You are a wonderful caregiver.






台長: 無明


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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 感謝的話 |

I just came back from Taiwan and was so happy to recieve your email.
Nice article. See you soon.

2009-07-21 10:37:28
好高興看到留言 常來
2009-07-21 11:58:52
Glad to know that you are on your way to a full, speedy recovery. You are such a warm and kind-hearted person that it\\’s no wonder that you earn people’s love and kindness in return effortlessly.
2009-07-21 22:19:05
很高興與你為友 還有一段因緣
2009-07-22 09:30:40
2013-05-30 20:45:33
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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