What is it ?
Ectoplasm? Ghost Light? Lightforms ?Energy Orbs?

(Energy Orbs)
My opinions
Photon fill the space originally.The universe includes substantial surface and materialism. That Photon is the”Ghost Light”and “ Angel”(Energy Orbs),and also as the the non-material wisdom or the spirit in the universe! Every biology including the zoology has this kind of spirit ; just like: the trees have their own responses and energy field if you use Kirlian camera-high voltage to photograph. The mineral also has Photon but his response is slow. The biological clock of each section and the operation way is different.
Photon can walk randomly in three and the four degrees Centigrade of space,and also may pass through Wormhole-Einstein and Stephen William Hawking. He isn’t limited.
The cell and nerve of our brain communicates the information though by the biological electrical energy. They can separate from the body to enter now and the future. Therefore we can feel or predict everything about our family members 、also foresee the future in the dreamland, and go through those things again in the future.
The Photons are classified by me into three categories:
1. They are from the external:living beings and death biological Photons.(Energy Orbs)
2. From the intrinsic:There is the “Chi” or “Chakra” energy inside the human body. We can recall our own Photons and move outside our body.(Energy Orbs)
3. the energy ball of the nature(Energy Orbs)
我的研究看法 :
那光球除了是人們所稱為靈魂Ghost Light.天使Angel,外(Energy Orbs),他可視為宇宙的非物質的智慧或靈!
而這樣的靈(Energy Orbs)..凡生物含動植物及物質皆有。
如果你用克里安攝影kirlian camera-high voltage
可以穿越虫洞(Wormhole-Einstein)霍金的理論(Stephen William Hawking)
1.外在..活的生物光球及己死亡的生物光球。(Energy Orbs)
2.內在..人體若有-氣-or Chakra的能量,可以召集及移出体外。(Energy Orbs)
3.大自然的能量球.(Energy Orbs)
★☆★(如果你拍到了光子相片Energy Orbs願意分享,請email:3188988@gmail.com)

光子(Energy Orbs)