巴爾塔沙 葛拉西安
Never Exaggerate
It is an important object of attention notto talk in superlatives, so as neither to offend against truth nor to give amean idea of one’s understanding. Exaggeration is a prodigality of the judgmentwhich shows the narrowness of one’s knowledge or one’s taste. Praise arouseslively curiosity, begets desire, and if afterwards the value does notcorrespond to the price, as generally happens, expectation revolts against thedeception, and revenges itself by under-estimating the thing recommended andthe person recommending. A prudent man goes more cautiously to work, andprefers to err by omission than by commission. Extraordinary things are rare,therefore moderate ordinary valuation. Exaggeration is a branch of lying, andyou lose by it the credit of good taste, which is much, and of good sense,which is more.
Baltasar Gracian
In superlatives 誇張地 言過其實地 過火的
Prodigality 浪費揮霍
Beget 招致產生 引起
Deception 欺騙詭計