Nowadays, it seems like everybody wants to be a leader. Countless books about how to manage a company or influence others fill bookstores. But one needn’t be a CEO or politician to be a leader. Former U.S. President John Adams said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” The key to becoming such a leader lies in character. Below are some of the most important character traits.
Courage: The New York firefighters who ran into the burning World Trade Towers to rescue others are modern-day models of courage. But even more than physical courage, the everyday demands of modern life require moral courage-insisting on doing the right thing despite pressure to act otherwise. Being humble: Everybody has limitations. Humble leaders have an accurate view of their own limitations. They are never too proud to seek help or learn from others-even those under them. Willingness to serve others: Leaders serve others by making the good of everyone on the team a personal priority. As everybody has the resources needed, the whole team accomplishes more. When leaders serve, followers are encouraged to serve each other. Passion: Outstanding leaders inspire others because they put their heart into everything they do. They motivate people to show significance of routine work. Integrity: One’s integrity can be measured by what one does when nobody is looking. Leaders practice what they preach with or without the presence of others. They set the example of integrity. By following these principles, one can become a true leader.