Because of Kiki, I started surfing lots of web site about Husky and see many of them are totally loved. They're more pets than work dog nowadays, that's for sure. I don't know if Kiki is the most spoiled husky in the world, but she would be one of them.... she sleeps anywhere but her favorite spot is in the bed between us - you can't push her to any other corners in bed - I still can't believe that we let her! First thing in the morning before she strechs out, she flips over for me to scratch her bally for couple mins. as routine - can you imagine?! I set up the dinner table which hers will be placed at the same time. She has to squeeze in the middle when we hug! Often time, I do think she believes herself as our kid but not a pet, funny thing is we don't even mind!! People laugh at us that we rather having Kiki than a child. But she is already a child to me! I know one day, we will have to say good-bye to her but hopefully, we do offer her the most enjoyable life for this round.