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2006-04-26 14:44:48| 人氣275| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Running in the sun

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Kiki’s tail is one of the kind - lots of time we let her run on her own by just tracing her tail. We may not see her but the tail always tells. We went for Malu’s birthday last week, she’s the only one who’s walking around the grass freely. And of course, we’ve "paid" for 5 years to get this far. Aged sometimes isn’t a bad thing?? @_@

Meanwhile, Lucifer, the 2-month old kido who captured all our eyes, let us try to think back what ours like when they were then. For me, I can’t think of any which proves it’s not necessary to raise a dog since they’re puppies. Adapting an adult will be as good or even better if we know how to work with them.

台長: Kikimom
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