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2005-11-24 01:24:47| 人氣108| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Something about us

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Don’t remember how Kiki got into our life exactly - seems like we picked her out and took her home a month later but for a while, we’ve wondered she’s not the one. But it’s not an issue since we believe it’s fate to get us all together. Couldn’t take any pictures of her childhood is one of my biggest regret, didn’t know how to be with a "dog" (esp. big size as Husky) is another. I’ve learned so much about Husky from Husky family, training tactics from dog school and further down to care more about stray dogs become some great gifts that Kiki has brought to me. She opens my eyes to rest parts of the world but myself, thanks to her.

There’s time I’d like to walk away from reality but looking at her, the impluse would go away. Not sure if it’s good or bad but at least I’m still hanging here because of her giving me hopes.

PS. To new friends, I don’t know why I can’t reply to your messages after trying several times. Just want to say, welcome to stop by and glad to know you from the net!!

PPS. Kiki, Demo & 饅頭 at 龍崗

台長: Kikimom
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