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2013-07-31 07:38:00| 人氣506| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

3.Taitung St. Mary's Hospital---Homecare

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"If they can't come to us, we'll go tothem!"

In addition to clinical and inpatient work, St.Mary's Hospital places great emphasis on domiciliary care. Today the love ofSister Patricia Aycock lives on. For over 30 years and without any governmentsubsidies, the American Sister managed to help take care of the poorestaborigines by riding a motorcycle or driving a car loaded with medicines andpatient files to their homes in the mountains. Sister Patricia founded thefirst homecare service in Taitung. Currently, a passionate team of doctors andnurses work together to provide homecare of the highest quality to patientsacross 170-km of Taitung coastline. Moreover, the hospital does not even chargepatients for transportation fees although these are not covered by healthinsurance. As a result of their dedication, the ratio of St. Mary's patients inhospital to patients served offsite is 1:8 –the highest in the nation! However,this is not simply a statistic; it is the purest and most authenticmanifestation of a "hospital without walls."

台長: 亞特蘭提斯的追夢人
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全站分類: 健康樂活(醫學、養生、減重) | 個人分類: 台東聖母醫院 |
此分類下一篇:4.Taitung St. Mary's Hospital---Elderly Daycare
此分類上一篇:2.Taitung St. Mary's Hospital---Hospice Care

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