The Faith Of Two Women Makes A Dream Come True
Writer: Sense Chen (CEO of Taitung St. Mary'shospital)
Early in 2012, Olivia, President of Aurora ImagingTechnology while on vacation in Taitung, re-contacted an old friend, St Mary'sHospital Vice-president, Jennifer. They had met each other a decade ago whileworking together to prevent breast cancer and although they had very littleopportunity to communicate since, they had maintained the relationship. Oliviawas curious about Jennifer's decision to leave Taipei and join St. Mary'sHospital in Taitung.
As Jennifer guided Olivia around Taitung, they talkeda lot about the purity and beauty of the area but the subject of the lack ofavailable medical supplies in the area also came up. Jennifer mentioned how sadit was that breast cancer had claimed the lives of three good Catholic Sistersin the diocese of Taitung. AlthoughTaitung seemed to offer a good living environment, it had the shortest averagelength of life, [average lifespan], throughout the whole nation. There are manyunanswered questions as to why this is. Peoples' ignorance of the Cancerscreening processes or even of any available service is probably one of the bigcontributors to the shortened life spans. Unfortunately local people,[especially those in the outlying areas], only become aware of the disease, inits later stages and this of course, leads to a much higher mortality rate.
She added, "The people who contract this disease,often leave us in such a short period of time, that it is a severe shock toeveryone around them and it causes a lot more sadness than need be. If theyknew early enough, they could be a little bit better prepared to deal with thepossible outcomes. If we can just discover, breast cancer in its early stages,some kinds of the disease can definitely be more successfully dealt with andeven cured ".
Olivia also shared her own story. Two months ago, in aregular health check she learned that she breast cancer. The tumor was stilltiny and they found it, thanks to the dedicated breast MRI that can discovermost breast cancers in the very early stages . After completing a series oftreatments, her prognosis for complete recovery is very good. However in the future,she will need to keep a close watch out for any physical signs or body changes.She said, "I am so very grateful to God and thankful to all who hadanything to do with my struggle ". She then indicated that her companysells a state-of-the-art 1.5-T Breast MRI system in a mobile trailer. She isthinking that this type of unit might be just right for Taitung. She said thatafter going back to work, she would think about this, [a dedicated 1.5-T BreastMR Imaging System is "on the cutting edge" of technology in thebreast screening field. In a study last year , it proved to offer a DiagnosticPerformance in Specificity, of 95.3%].
Only three hospitals in Taiwan have this class ofsystem and even though they charge money for the service, there is a two monthqueue. Insurance will not cover the screening expense, [mammograms forTaiwanese women, must still be considered "experimental or optional,perhaps even a luxury]. Jennifer never ever dreamed about any possibility ofhaving such a luxury device in Taitung, especially since they also planned toprovide a free service to the area. She wondered aloud and half smiling, ifspending this kind of money on equipment and then using it not to make moneybut instead, to provide Free Breast Screening, might upset other organizations.
Within a short period of time, Olivia called her backand said that the company she represented, was willing to sell them a unit athalf price. This would be a fantastic, almost unheard of "deal", ontheir 2 million dollar Aurora, Dedicated 1.5-T Breast MRI mobile System. St.Mary hospital would have to pay the $ One million dollars and agree to anannual service charge of about $ 135,000 a year. Jennifer was excited butcrushed as reality set in and she thought, "Oh no, we still can't affordit ".
A few days later, the two women again met but thistime, near Taipei with PJ Huang, Chief Director of Taipei Medical UniversityHospital's "Breast Health Center". He is an experienced Doctor, veryeducated and up to date about Breast MRI imaging.
At the meeting, Olivia asked Jennifer, "Whyshould we wait until we have raised enough money?" Olivia promised thatshe will try to figure out to obtain another million dollars in support. Aslong as St. Mary's Hospital agrees, an entire MRI system can be put intoservice just as soon as possible. Jennifer continued to questioned herself,though. "It's true that this can avoid many tragedies and save countlesslives. However, when it comes to the money, the required manpower and otherdifficulties we 're going to face, I have o ask if we dare to do it or not."In her heart, Jennifer" just knew "that they would have to turndown the gift and said," We still can't afford it ... How about some otherhospital? You can still make a difference for the people. "Oliviareplied," I trust in you only. If you don't want it, then there is no oneelse who can have it. "
Jennifer instantly had a definite feeling that someonewas standing right behind her. However, when she turned to look, there wasnobody there and now, she suddenly "just knew" what she was supposedto do. It was this. It had been this all along and she realized, "God haschosen me and I do not have the right to refuse." She knew that she hadjust turned it down just five seconds ago and now, she found herself turningand saying, "Yes, Yes, OK, we'll find a way to do it ". Immediately,her mind was again saying," Oh Jennifer, what have you done? Even after webuy it, we still have to deal with the taxes, transportation, space, and more.At the same time though, a much louder voice was shouting out with joy,"This can be in operation almost as soon as June, when it gets deliveredfrom the US. Wow, just think of it. This will be the first brand-new MobileBreast MRI System in Asia. Let us give Thanks to God ".
Now, St. Mary's hospital has officially announced thata new Breast Health Center has been decided upon. Services will includeScreening, Diagnoses, Referral for Treatment, Recovery, Patient Education,Mental Support, Nutrition, a Patient Supporting Group and more. The goal is toaddress all the areas of breast health. We are planning to use our breast MRImobile system in Hualien and Taitung where Breast cancer had the highestmortality rate in Taiwan. In the first three years, we are hoping to be makingthousands high- risk group screenings and hopefully, significantly reduce themortality rate of breast cancer, especially in remote areas. This will be oneof the most massive screening plans in the world. A Harvard professor will evenHead a research group on the project.
Additional exciting news is that Dr. PJ, Huang willdefinitely now join St. Mary's Hospital, to serve as the chief director in thenew Breast Health Center. He stated, "I saw two women trying to do such abeautiful thing and it really touched me very much. "
All kinds of coincidences HAVE happened to bring thisall together. It has been like a miracle from God. For months, I had a verystrong feeling that something big was about to take place in St. Mary'sHospital. This is what it was all about.
We are still looking for operating funds of around 6million NT dollars, [approximately $ 200,000 US dollars] per year plus funds toengage one Radiologist and two Radiographers, to give a hand to the women'shealth care in remote areas.
St. Mary'sHospital needs your participation to make this dream come true. Won't you joinus?
* E-MAIL:donate@st-mary.org.tw
* Phone Number: +886-89-322833#168PR Miss Huang
