In the past ten years, Fr. Albert and I communicated with each other in this way while he was alive. I wrote in Chinese. He wrote in English.
Dear Fr. Albert:
I wish you a peaceful Life!
Please do not worry about my life! I ever said there is no need to worry about me. It is really so! We have got acquainted with other long enough. Am I worrying? I don’t think so. I am blissful because I have God, Buddha, many masters, and many fathers to bless and concern about me. I have nothing to worry about. So Fr. Albert, please rest assured!
I hope that you live to see the book published that I want to devote to you. I hope to detail your irreplaceable experiences of religious dialogue for scores of years. I expect that the book can offer another way of thinking to mankind! There are many people who are keenly aware of the unspeakable touched feelings in the religious dialogue. If we expect peace in the 21st century or in the far future, religious peace is necessary and indispensable, not only in Taiwan and Mainland China but also in the whole world! World peace is everybody’s business!
I think of myself as an obedient Buddhist. I don’t think an importunate demand can be a good predestined relationship (feeling of affinity). I am looking forward to predestination. All are happy and all are expecting! I hope I can finish writing the book as soon as possible. In the course of conception and writing, I feel ecstasy! And so, do not worry about me!
If I am the ark sailing in the ocean, you are my rudder. You stability and experience can stabilize my impatient mind. At first, my parents ever worried about my heart of renunciation. I tried to ensure them. I told myself to be their pride. After so many years, I think they could roughly read my inner mind. To tell the truth, I have found all these to my favor! I enjoy my life!
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Very Dear Sense:
Thank you for your message of yesterday.
It’s good to know that you will be back home this evening!
As the time of the end of your work on your manuscript is getting close, I feel urged to share with concerns on the content of the book.
As it’s a long time since we began to know each other, to learn from each another, and to enter into a deep mutual friendship, I feel confident that you already know what can be written and what should not be written to produce an attracting and helpful book on the call for inter-religious dialogue not only in your life and in my life, but in the life of each one of us, people of all faiths, and people of good will, living and working in Taiwan today.
You know what should be done to make your readers spiritually moved.
You know what can be written and what should be not written to help the readers of the book discover or re-discover the importance and urgency of new initiatives, creative initiatives, in the field of inter-religious dialogue and cooperation among people of all faiths and of good will, not only in Taiwan but also in parts of the world where possible translations of the book could some day become available.
You and I, together with Paul Batairwa, should perhaps find a way to meet again one afternoon in a peaceful place, to share our ideas, our hopes and also our dreams.
Let us keep in touch with one another.
To reflect together,
And let us keep praying for one another, keep praying together!
Fraternally yours,
Old Ma