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--------泰戈爾 頌歌集




Mother,there are times

when I need a friend to talk to,

but every friend I can think of

just isn't the right person

for the mood I am in.

My usual friends

who understand and care about me

just aren't the ones I want

to listen to my problems;

I need you.

You are the one

who can really understand me

and who can make me feel better

just by hearing your voice.

I remember so many times

When I came to you in tears

about life's unfair situations

and disappointments;

You always listened.

I remember telling you

How lonely and unhappy I felt,

And you always told me

How much you loved me

and how special I was.

You always knew I was strong enough

to get through my troubles.

And though my friends

Have helped me at times

to get through the changes,

You are the only one in my life

who I know will be there for me

any time of the day or night,

and understand exactly how I feel,

You are not only my loving mother;

you truly are my very best friend.

-------Laura Medley


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