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The Soviet Union will be dissolved in this decade or at the latest by the beginning of the next. The man decisive for this action will be Mikhail Gorbachev. But this will not lead to rest, because the new Russia will continue its longstanding conflict with China over Inner Mongolia, with the result that Russia will lose a portion of this territory to China. And China becomes dangerous, especially to India, as also at this time China maintains uneasy relations with her. China will attack India; and if biological weapons are used, around 30 million human beings will be killed in the area of and around New Delhi alone. However, this will not be the end yet—because the effect of biological bombs and missiles, etc., used cannot be controlled at that time, and terrible epidemics unknown up to that point in time will arise and will spread quickly to many areas. Also Pakistan will allow herself to be misled to instigate a war against India, which will be especially dangerous in view of the fact that both countries are developing atomic weapons.


180:John Paul II教皇將會是倒數第三個在位。


182:然後是一個Pontifex Maximus(大祭司長?)在其後,他將被稱為Petrus Romanus。(Petrus Romanus為拉丁文,英文為Peter Roman,羅馬彼得)






242:將會是Mikhail Gorbachev(戈爾巴喬夫/戈巴卓夫)的行動決定。















聖馬拉奇(Saint Malachy)之教宗預言英文本:

Malachy's Prophecies - The Last 10 Popes
Known to Catholics as St. Malachy (1094-1148)

Born in 1094 A.D. at Armagh, Ireland, Saint Malachy is also known as: Maolmhaodhog ua Morgair; Maol Maedoc; and Malachy O'Morgair. He died as he himself predicted, on November 2, 1148 at Clairvaux, France. Malachy was canonized the first Irish Saint in the Catholic Church by Pope Clement III in 1190 A.D.

The correspondence between the prophecies of Saint Malachy and the Mayan Calendar (whose 'long count' ends in 2012) are alarming, to put it mildly. Why did the ancient Mayan or pre-Maya choose December 21st, 2012 A.D., as the end of their Long Count calendar?

Saint Malachy was a 12th century Irish monk, who, while on a visit to Rome had a vision of all the popes who would ever reign. Malachy "saw"-and committed to paper- a series of Latin phrases describing the popes to come. He catalogued each one with an epigrammatic verse, such as 'the tears of the sun'. Malachy made the prophecy in 1139. Reportedly it was entrusted to Pope Innocent II in 1140. But for some reason it was "lost" in the Vatican for 400 years, only to be "discovered" in 1595 A.D. Malachy s predictions reputedly were made in 1139 while he was on a pilgrimage to the Vatican, where he was appointed papal legate for Ireland. On his last trek to the holy see in Rome, in 1148, Malachy accurately predicted the place and time of his own death: Clairvaux, France, on All Souls Day, November 2, of that same year.

The Malachy Prophecies were first published in 1595, by a Benedictine monk & historian named Arnold de Wyon, who found them 5 years earlier in the Vatican archives. Arnold recorded them in his book, entitled: 'Lignum Vitæ'.

Malachy's Prophecies - The Last 10 Popes

1. The Burning Fire. PIUS X. 1903-1914. This Pope showed a burning passion for spiritual renewal in the Church.

2. Religion Laid Waste (Religio Depopulata). BENEDICT XV. 1914-1922. Unfortunately, this was true. During this Pope's reign saw Communism move into Russia where religious life was laid waste, and World War I with the death of millions of Christians who were carnage in Flanders Field and elsewhere.

3. Unshaken Faith. PIUS XI. 1922-1939. This Pope faced tremendous pressure from fascist and sinister powers in Germany and Italy, but he was an outspoken critic of Communism and Fascism which enraged Hitler.

4. An Angelic Shepherd. PIUS XII. 1939-1958. This Pope had an affinity for the spiritual world and received visions which have not been made public. Peter Bander says Pius XII "has emerged as one of the great Popes of all time," and he "was in the truest sense of the word an Angelic Pastor to the flock..."

5. Pastor and Mariner. JOHN XXIII. 1958-1963. " Pastor et Nauta" or "Pastor and sailor". John was a pastor to the world, much beloved, and the Patriarch of Venice. The connection to "mariner" is thus remarkable. According Peter Bander in The Prophecies of Malachy (TAN Books and Publisher, 1969) during the conclave which was to elect John XXIII in 1958, a certain Cardinal from the United States, (Cardinal Spellman of New York) evidently having taken Malachy's forecast that the next pope would be "pastor and mariner" literally, rented a boat, filled it with sheep and sailed up and down the Tiber.

6. Flower of Flowers. "Flos Florum" PAUL VI. 1963-1978. Paul's coat-of-arms depicts three fleurs-de-lis, corresponding to Malachy's prophecy. His coat of arms included three fleurs-de-lis (iris blossoms). At the popular and controversial site of Garabandal in Spain, a seer named Conchita Gonzalez once noted: “The Blessed Virgin said in 1962 that there will only be two more popes after Paul VI.”

7. Of the Half Moon. "De Medietate Lanae," or "from the half moon" JOHN PAUL I. 1978-1978. John Paul I was elected Pope on August 26, 1978, when there was a half moon. He reigned 33 days, that is, about one month, when he died, although many think he was murdered. He was the 109th Pope - is "De Medietate Lunae" (Of the Half Moon). The corresponding pope was John Paul I (1978-78), who was born in the diocese of Belluno (beautiful moon) and was baptized Albino Luciani which means white light, such as that given off by the half-moon in Malachy s prophecy. He became pope on August 26, 1978, when the moon appeared exactly half full. It was in its waning phase. He died the following month, soon after an eclipse of the moon.

8. The Labor of the Son. "De Medietate Lunae" JOHN PAUL II. 1978-2005

Amazingly, Pope John Paul II was the only pope who was both born the day of an eclipse of the sun, and entombed the day the sun was eclipsed.

One of Malachy's strangest predictions concerned the pope who would follow 'De Medietate Lunae'. He is designated as 'De Labore Solis', or 'from the toil of the sun'. Applied to John Paul II, this phrase reveals nothing less than a double prophecy. John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla), the first non-Italian elected in 456 years, was a native of Krakow, Poland. Krakow is the city where, in the 15th and 16th centuries, Copernicus 'toiled'; for years to prove his heretical theory that the earth revolved around the sun. Many of Malachy s interpreters also suggested that the 'sun' reference indicated a young pope. Fifty-eight years old at the time of his election, John Paul II was the youngest pope in over a century.
John Paul II was the most traveled Pope in history. He has circled the globe numerous times, preaching to huge audiences everywhere he goes. Even though he was once shot, he has not seemed to slow down. He has recently written a book which has enjoyed a large circulation.

Like the sun which never ceases to labor and provides light daily, this Pope has been incessant. John Paul compared abortion to the Holocaust and denounced gay marriages as part of 'a new ideology of evil'. He argued that same-sex marriages threaten society by undermining the traditional family.

John Paul II was born on May 18, 1920. On that date in the morning there was a near total eclipse of the sun over Europe. Prophecy - The 110th Pope is 'De Labore Solis' (Of the Solar Eclipse, or, From the Toil of the Sun). The corresponding pope is John Paul II (1978-2005). Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II) was born on May 18, 1920 during an eclipse of the sun. Like the sun he came out of the East (Poland). Like the sun he has visited countries all around the globe while doing his work. Karol was the first non-Italian pope in 456 years. He was ordained on November 1, 1946 and earned a doctorate in ethics at the Angelicum University in Rome. He was made auxiliary bishop in 1958 and Archbishop in 1964 of Krakow and Cardinal in 1967. He was elected the first Polish pope on October 1978. He spoke eight languages and he traveled more than any other pope in history. John Paul II died at the Vatican on Saturday, April 2, 2005, the same day as a partial eclipse, visible in the Americas.

John Paul II may also be connected to the revelation of Saint Faustina Kowalska of Poland (quoting Jesus), "I bear a special love for Poland and if she will be obedient to My Will, I will exalt her in might and holiness. From her will come forth the spark that will prepare the world for My final coming" (Diary "Divine Mercy in My Soul").

Disturbing about Pope John Paul II is that no other Pope in history ever has called for a "New World Order", and this pope waited until he had sat on the Throne of Peter for over 25 years! Why would Pope John Paul II wait for 25 long years before announcing his affinity for the New World Order? A "New World Order" is known in the esoteric realm as "the kingdom of the Christ" -- but thought by many in the Bible as an Antichrist (or Antichrist system). Was it because John Paul was senile or carried away with his own desire for ecumenicalism/friendship?

Other things John Paul II did while very old were: he also kissed the pagan Qur'an and said that Islam and Christians had the same God. Would the God of the Bible agree to tell the lies about Jesus that Islam does? Islam lies that Jesus never even died on a cross, and Islam also says that Jesus is not divine.

9. The Glory of the Olive. The Order of St. Benedict has said this Pope will come from their order. It is interesting that Jesus gave his apocalyptic prophecy about the end of time from the Mount of Olives. This Pope will reign during the beginning of the tribulation Jesus spoke of. The 111th prophesy is "Gloria Olivae" (The Glory of the Olive). The Order of Saint Benedict has claimed that this pope will come from their ranks. Saint Benedict himself prophesied that before the end of the world his Order, known also as the Olivetans, will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its fight against evil. Traditionally, the olive branch has been associated with peace, but in both the Old and New Testaments it also serves as an emblem for the Jews. Putting the two together, some commentators believe that the reign of this pope will be a peaceful one during which the prophesied conversion of the Jews will take place. Several ex-Jews are said to be highly placed in the Catholic Church now. And, it is noteworthy that the previous Benedict (XV) was a pope obsessed with peace. Some others say, he will lead all faithful followers of the Lord Jesus to martyrdom and others say that he will tear down the walls of the Vatican, auctioning off all the objects within, in order to feed and enlighten those in the 3rd World who have not yet heard the Gospel of Christ.

Pope Benedict XVI (16th) was not a Benedictine priest, yet he chose the name of Benedict, the founder of the Order of Saint Benedict, which also is known as the Olivetans. Benedict the 16th also said he also selected the name Benedict in part as a homage to Pope Benedict XV (15th), who guided the church through World War I, and within days of being named pope - decrying what he saw as "Cafeteria Catholicism" — in which churchgoers obey only the parts of the Church canon they find appealing.

10. PETER THE ROMAN - The 112th prophesy states: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End." The last pope may just cut Catholics loose from unity and the papacy, causing total disruption and confusion. See Saint Francis of Assissi's 13th century prophecy below.
Francis of Assisi was born in Italy. He was a roman priest/friar whose real name was 'Giovanni di Pietro (Peter) di Bernardone', but nicknamed Francesco. Some think this translates literally to 'Peter the Roman.'

Malachy's final words:

In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city (Rome, the seat of the Vatican) will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.

Contact Report 215(接觸報告215號)

接觸日期/時間:Saturday, February 28, 1987, 2:09 AM

外星人Henoch給Billy Meier 的預言















  169. 東方國家和西方國家會互相對抗。











  180、John Paul II教皇將會是倒數第三個在位。


  182、然後是一個Pontifex Maximus(大祭司長?)在其後,他將被稱為Petrus Romanus。(Petrus Romanus為拉丁文,英文為Peter Roman,羅馬彼得)








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