班級:四生技二甲 姓名:蔡莉君 學號:94451143
Accepted name: lysozyme
Reaction: Hydrolysis of 1,4-β-linkages between N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues in a peptidoglycan and between N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues in chitodextrins
Other name(s): muramidase; globulin G; mucopeptide glucohydrolase; globulin G1; N,O-diacetylmuramidase; lysozyme g; L-7001; 1,4-N-acetylmuramidase; mucopeptide N-acetylmuramoylhydrolase; PR1-lysozyme
Systematic name: peptidoglycan N-acetylmuramoylhydrolase
Comments: cf. also EC chitinase.
Accepted name: trypsin
Reaction: Preferential cleavage: Arg , Lys
Other name(s): α-trypsin; β-trypsin; cocoonase; parenzyme; parenzymol; tryptar; trypure; pseudotrypsin; tryptase; tripcellim; sperm receptor hydrolase
Comments: The single polypeptide chain cattle β-trypsin is formed from trypsinogen by cleavage of one peptide bond. Further peptide bond cleavages produce α and other iso-forms. Isolated as multiple cationic and anionic trypsins [5] from the pancreas of many vertebrates and from lower species including crayfish, insects (cocoonase) and microorganisms (Streptomyces griseus) [3]. Type example of peptidase family S1. Formerly EC
Accepted name: renin
Reaction: Cleavage of Leu bond in angiotensinogen to generate angiotensin I
Other names: angiotensin-forming enzyme; angiotensinogenase
Comments: Formed from prorenin in plasma and kidney. In peptidase family A1 (pepsin A family). Formerly EC
Links to other databases: BRENDA, EXPASY, MEROPS, PDB, CAS registry number: 9015-94-5