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2006-06-22 10:39:14| 人氣93| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Feel there is some solitude afternoon condensed here
Follow your each one step’s imagining it is a romantic dance to tread

The sorrow is in fact very clear this is to ask for it to get lost
Like to be a the square and warm stove lets you have a small happiness at the mid-night

Rain crashes to leak happy appearance in our face
Pole-star that eternity the constant direction tells me to love to not necessarily get hurt

Snow that hears April early summer only the quarterly melts in the sorrow
The view contain some faintnesses be this raining season to have already ended
The temperature that touches to touch to remain embraces each other air to also feel contented

Lonesome never painful wait for every egress
My eye’s rising fog love gradually is the way home that has no terminal point

Rain crashes to leak happy appearance in our shoulder
Pole-star that eternity the constant direction tells me to love to not necessarily get hurt
Snow that sees April early summer only the quarterly hides in my center of palm of hand

台長: 咢花子
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