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2018-05-23 10:40:41| 人氣940| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

At world’s end

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"Be there some manner of rite or incantation?"  

"Aye.  The items brought together, DONE.  Items to be burned . . ." 

"and someone must speak the words: 'Calypos, I release you from your human bonds.'" 

"Is that it?" 

"'Tis said it must be spoken as if to a lover." 

 Barbossa holds up this stick with fire at the tip and declares, rather loudly,
 "Calypso, I release you from your human bonds!"  

"Is that it ?”

 "No, no, no.  He didn't say it right. He didn't . . . You have to say it right."  

slowly whispers in Tia Dalma's ear:

"Calypso, I release you from your human bonds."  

台長: L.
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