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2014-09-18 06:57:23| 人氣445| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

多隻狗狗需要中途家庭!! 請大家幫幫忙!!

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Taiwan SPCA 台灣防止虐待動物協會

多隻狗狗需要中途家庭!! 請大家幫幫忙!!

Urgent! Please help us find foster homes for these dogs!!
想幫忙有需要的動物但沒有辦法全部認養? 可以考慮當動物的中途之家! 我們希望每個救援動物都可以馬上進入溫暖的家庭。持續待在獸醫院或領養中心對動物來說是 一件很痛苦的事。在中途家庭﹐動物可以學到如何與人相處。對想要養 寵物的主人來說也是一個好的機會來看是否自己真的能夠飼養動物。當選擇成為中途時﹐我們的專員會一路幫助您與您的救援動物﹐有任何問題或無法在照顧寵物的 時候我們也會協助您。我們的專員很樂意回答您的問題和推薦適合您的寄養動物。 
有興趣加入當中途家庭的朋友可以下載Taiwan SPCA的中途申請書,填寫完善後並電郵寄至 adoptions@spca.org.tw 或傳真 02-2367-0317


Want to help more animals but you cannot adopt them all? You can consider becoming a foster family! We prefer fostering animals to keeping them in pens and kennels. They deserve to have a comfortable living atmosphere and loving people, even if they may eventually find another family. Kind foster care helps socialize shy animals; they learn that good people are nothing to fear. If you are an experienced pet parent, your can increase a previously stray dog's chances of finding a forever-family by beginning their training process. Or, if you aren't sure about permanently adopting a pet, fostering is a great way to get your feet wet!
If you would like to be a foster family or and/or have any concerns, please email adoptions@spca.org.tw. Or you can download our foster application, fill it out and email to adoptions@spca.org.tw or fax to 02-2367-0317.


We need your support to continue our important work. If you support the work we do in our Education, Campaigns, Cruelty Investigations, Adoption and Lobbying departments, please donate today!


台長: ♡ 伊織米子

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