舞步輕柔 迴旋於寂靜的陽光
歌聲裡 上蒼的寬容無所不在
恩典緩緩降臨 凝成淚水 結在企盼的雙眸
愛情 在苒茌的時光裡 以詩的背影 輕輕掠過
思念 一行一字 慢慢墜落 從蔚藍的高天
There'll be love and laughter
and peace ever after
tomorrow when the world is free.

I Dreamed a Dream
舞台劇”悲慘世界” Les Miserables中的一段
I dreamed a dream in time gone by 時光苒茌 夢境再次到來
When hope was high, and life worth live 當時, 希望滿懷 生命澎湃
I dreamed that love would never die. 在我夢裡 真愛不渝
I dreamed that God would be forgiving 在我夢裡 主愛無限
Then I was young and unafraid. 想我當時 年輕無懼
And dreams were made used and wasted. 夢想荒唐 恣意浪擲
There was no ransom to be paid. 想我當時 錢若輕煙
No song unsung, no wine untasted. 無歌不唱 無酒不歡
But the tigers come at night遠方戰火是夜襲捲
with their voices soft as thunder. 低沉如雷憂心恐懼如夜掩至
As they tear your hope apart. 希望與期待 已被現實撕裂
and they turn your dream to shame. 夢想的實踐 如同笑話幻滅
And still I dream he’ll come to me 然而我仍企盼情人歸來
that we will live the years together. 與我共度美好餘生
But there are dreams that cannot be 只是 總有美夢 無法成真
And there are storms we cannot weather. 總有風暴 無法掌握
I had a dream my life would be. 夢想生活 應是盡美盡善
So different from this hell I’m living. 回到現實 卻如焦土地獄
So different now from what it seemed. 差距之大 讓我無法想像
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed. 我的美夢 已被現實扼殺