請原諒我再也壓抑不住的情意...眾目睽睽地落在粲然的飄零裡...落葉片片...是纏綿悱惻的情詩篇篇....裡頭有曲折迂洄的心意點點.....我無視路人的訝異...驚呼....因為詫異也好,欣賞也罷。 並不曾使我歡娛的腳步錯亂... 令我優雅墜落的,不是路人們的目光。 而是我的輕舞飛揚........ (重讀痞子蔡後有感...相片是銀杏.2005秋天在北京拍攝)a haunting melody from a heart breaking movie. why are korean movies and series so good at making us cry buckets? i mean the plots just really hit a core of your being... and you know that these are the type of stories that you'll never forget. and they'e so good at making melancholic instrumental melodies like this with a woman humming in the background that just gives goosebumps and more drama. that's really intense talent!