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2007-03-01 18:53:06| 人氣46| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I didn’t mean it When I said I didn’t love you so

I should have held on tight

I never should’ve let you go

I did nothing I was stupid I was foolish

I was lying to myself

I could not fathom that I would ever

Be without your love

Never imagined I’d be Sitting here beside myself

Cause I didn’t know you

Cause I didn’t know me

But I thought I knew everything

I never felt

The feeling that I’m feeling now

Now that I don’t Hear your voice

Or have your touch and kiss your lips

Cause I don’t have a choice

what I wouldn’t give

To have you lying by my side

Right here

Cause baby............

we belong 2gther is right?

台長: 顏小妞♡
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