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2007-12-14 23:18:38| 人氣70| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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我很喜歡 =ˇ=

很有感情的 ˋ

It’s over and done

But the heartache lives on inside, ah

And who is the one you’re clinging to Instead of me tonight

(And where are you now) Now that I need you

(Tears on my pillow) Wherever you go

(And cry me a river) That leads to your ocean

You never see me fall apart (In the words of a broken heart)

(It’s just emotion that’s takin’ me over)

(Tied up in sorrow, lost in my soul)

(But if you don’t come back, come home to me, darlin’)

You know that there’ll be (Nobody left in this world to hold me tight)

(Nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight)

(Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight)

I’m there at your side

Part of all the things you are (Ah...)

But you got a part of someone else

You go to find your shinin’ star

天命真女 - Emotion

台長: 鲔小魚 ♥
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