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What does Tom want and How to look after myself

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Tom wants:
- bragging rights
- money
- exit strategy
- succession for his family

What I have to display
- patience
- excitement
- ask for resources
- have more knowledge

What do I want
- bragging rights
- money
- exit strategy
- succession for family

What gives me anxiety
- health
- procrastination
- overloading myself with work
- social situations where I feel no support
- money

What I need to create
- energy to attract my ‘team’ around me
- energy to be likeable and charming as a leader
- relax where needed, and intensity where needed
- patience and pay attention to what other people need
- use the people around me to achieve the best outcome
- create the energy around me to feel good every day

How to get to mental balance
- positive self talk everyday
- find the fun in all situations
- get work done where is needed
- relax and get away from people where needed
- forgive about the past and be okay with who I am today
- look into the future rather than dwell on what was in the past
- sculpture who I want to be and focus energy around that
- forgive mother and give her what she needs once in a while
- remove guilt
- have fun
- be nice to Kim and spend more time with her
- say no to things that don’t spark joy

Good luck, love you!

台長: Tempsfuit
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