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2011-03-18 20:44:13| 人氣7,398| 回應12 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Freya Mavor演Mini McGuinness

OMG!!! 剛從朋友的婚禮排演急急忙忙趕回家為了收看Skins(英國的)第五季的最後一集! 就這樣結束了, 我實在是不滿足不滿足, 同時又太高興太高興啦!! 不滿足是因為我等不及要看第六季, 太高興是我最喜歡的角色, Mini, 有著最古典的眉毛, 最完美的睫毛, 最可愛的freckles, 最高貴的氣質, 最吸引的口音, 最性感的聲音的Mini, 夢中情人的Mini, 竟然有可能是第三代角色裡面的lesbian?

現在的電視圈是怎麼樣, Glee的Santana, Pretty Little Liars的Emily, 都是非常漂亮, 又強勢又自信的同志, 完全顛覆以前女同志在電視上只是臨時演員, 只是為了收視率sweeps week而安裝的沒個性的單調人物. 2011年, 這個世界怎麼突然進步這麼多? 我都有點受寵若驚了!

第五季的Skins, 對比以前的Skins更妙的地方是, 這次所有的角色都很有趣, 是每.一.個.角色哦! 你會很難討厭任何一個人, 因為他們背後的故事都寫的很有人性, 讓你產生或多或少的共鳴. 然後劇情隨著集數都有發展, 每個角色都有顧及到, 然後還有很多小驚喜!

我不想爆料, 好看的東西要自己看了才知道啊!!

第一集: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaWE8X3UWdY

第二集: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL5znwt6mNc

第三集: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5QWTjiZTLs

第四集: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1NLTzBb9c0

第五集: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgqLDtgpbQM

第六集: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gRdijwczWM

第七集: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UziFtYyVLtU

第八集: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk7H0aofcfA


'Mini your girl crush is SO blatant!'

台長: Tempsfuit
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good to see you've been adequately entertained with tvs & films too. Sign that you are out of the shadow casted by an ill-suited crush? I am in another relapse of my bollywood-mania and am lapping up as many dvds as I could in a given week. It's weird, none of my friends could comprehend my penchant for bollywood, seems counter-intuitive given my other, somewhat arcane & obscure interests. I don't get it either.

Hope all's well and hope you meet someone soon. Or at least someone who is enough diversion for the next wee while lol xp
2011-03-21 16:25:58
Lol. Your taste in film is usually esoteric, let it be a difficult Michael Haneke cinema or a cacophonous bollywood production, a non-conformist to mainstream, in that you're quite consistant.

Lol while I look forward to the next diversion as you call it, I'm getting really busy setting up business and working extra long hours leading up to my departure so I can get everything wrapped up nicely. Work is the best medication for a wounded ego. Though I have to say, I have resisted the temptation to visit her blog again since the last time (which was also the first time, which makes it the only time) I visited. Not bad hey?
2011-03-26 09:08:22
excuse me, bollywood is extremely mainstream to the two third world! it has a bigger audience than hollywood. i insist i have the most common, easiest-to-appeal-to taste. xp

someone's cooking up some very big and complex vocabulary. cacophonous? good one. btw following you i hunt down million $ vocab recording too. the first lesson totally cracked me up, there is almost a religious fervour to the american self-help psyche. Though from there on it was good, yes i found it edifying, so thanks for that one!
2011-03-27 15:52:20
LMAO I'm elated to have you notice an improvement in my vocabulary, though I have to admit I haven't been following in it up lately. Persistence is the key to mastering a language!!

Wow I don't care bollywood has an audience in the billions, this is a consequence of healthy reproductive function and inadequate condom distribution than anything else. Bollywood is fun for the first 10 minutes, I can't comment on the rest because I'd have gone deaf pass the initial 10 minutes.
2011-03-28 19:36:30
"a consequence of healthy reproductive function and inadequate condom distribution"

This is LOL funny, completely void of PC bs, I like you bluntness! XD

Alright, alright, I will concede that for the large part I have an esoteric taste and take joy in hunting out and reading recondite texts little known to those outside the field. Oh well I'm a poser. Bollywood is my fleeting mania which is manifest for two weeks every 6 months?
2011-04-01 11:36:42
(too long again)

So you've quit your job and dived into your business? I've said this before but I will say it again, you are amazing!
2011-04-01 11:37:36
i've been plurking so intensely, mostly in chinese, that i miss our english banter. must keep it up or I'll lose my ability to hold a conversation in english!
2011-04-01 11:42:10
Hey there, replying comments on thus website via my mobile makes me nauseous!! Anyway love your multiple posts, always enjoyed the attention lmao!

Yes my departure from the firm is absolute, but the date is in two weeks time so Im not officially out of my duties, soon though, soon. Thank god.

I wanted to try twitter for a while now but none of my friends are on it, then I wanted to sign up to sina so I can add some of the singers on it but can't be bothered, thanks for the invite to Plurk but I know of no one using it, except for you of course. Plus I'm too lazy to register...haha!!

Ok it's taking me too long to write this already!!
2011-04-04 10:03:20
I would advise strongly against twittering or plurking or microblogging (sina), especially for such an important and busy woman like you ;) Seriously it is a major time stealer, I already start to feel its toll.. but then again it could just be my total lack of discipline and time-management skill

I would need to have enact some kind of regiment if I don't learn to contain my plurking soon.

hey, just realised how much my messages seem like english practice exercises. Thanks for letting me abuse your blog thus, and remember our little pact on pointing out the weird stuff in each other's writing!
2011-04-04 14:56:45
Good good, so I won't feel so bad not joining then. LMAO important and busy woman, you make me sound like the US Secretary of the State or something. No, unlike Hilary Clinton I'm just a little girl with a big dream and have bite off more than I can chew right now and is spread a little thin at the moment. Hopefully the chaos will end soon and I can have my life back, business started, and money rolling into my bank account, wahaha.

What is with me and my obsession with money and status anyway. Rationally I know how uncultivated I seem, but I can't resist the temptation. What about you, what's happening with you, career wise, life wise?

Hey I realise I never ask much about you and you never offer much unprovoked. C'mon, tell me some of your secrets. I promise not to tell anyone.

Sure I remember our pact. I think we have different styles of expressing our thoughts, I find your writing inspiring many a times: so this is how you say it in another way!
2011-04-05 17:59:24
typo: should be regimen
2011-04-04 14:58:34
Um, I think I am struck by a similar status anxiety - not so much with money perhaps, those of us who have little capability in accumulating wealth learn to contain and tame any ambition or desire we might have. Though money confers status in a market society, so any anxiety I have over money at this stage is also tied with status, self-perception etc.
2011-04-06 08:21:07
You gotta be kidding when you say you feel uncultivated. I suppose each of us feels inadequate secretly, but if you cared for the view from the other side: my impression of you is someone who has it all: youth, drive, business acumen, sophistication; in short, the ideal niche to be in.

This is a major part of my anxiety actually, I want to retain the exposure to literature, films, philosophy/theology and social issues I enjoyed in my formative years, but also to have worldly & pragmatic wisdom so as to be free from being labelled as 'idealist' or 'dumb lefty' or 'champangne socialist'.
2011-04-06 08:29:43
My life is in doldrums at the moment, career- and life-wise. Well, work is actually in an ambiguous moment right now, I am waiting for the dust to setle and then I will be able to make some decision.

That and the above pretty much sums my life right now. I am desperate for some change and transformation otherwise I will wither and desiccate, or feel like throwing myself out of the window at work every other day - death by defenestration. But exactly what changes are needed I am still trying to figure out.., I have some ideas, work is one of them, but still unsure..
2011-04-06 08:39:22
Whoa check out the big words in this short paragraph! Desiccate, defenestration...I'll bag them thank you very much! *eyes glitter*
2011-04-06 13:10:16
Enough for you for now? Maybe not quite the saucy secrets you hoped for but I have very low tabloid value XD

alright enough for now, that's two thirds of my lunchbreak already
2011-04-06 08:44:05
LMAO appreciate your time and effort. I think most people think their lives are bland, in truth we just don't look hard enough for the excitement in life.

You are so emotionally guarded even when you're online, writing under a pseudonym! C'mon, surely there are something in your past or present that's tabloid worthy? What is your guilty pleasure? Do you watch porn? You're immensely cerebral, but have you given in and acted upon a crazy idea that is completely irrational?
2011-04-06 13:17:58
現在大概也剩四集 mini和franky配感覺不成了!
2012-02-18 03:41:30
不會啊! 倒數第二集不是Mini和Franky的一集嗎? 還是有希望的...
2012-03-12 13:06:14
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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