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2010-05-01 10:11:41| 人氣4,579| 回應5 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

愛上不愛你的人的痛: Rihanna - Te Amo

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Rihanna的新專輯Rated R裡有這麼一首歌 - Te Amo

Te Amo, Te Amo
She says to me, I hear the pain in her voice
Then we danced underneath the candelabra
She takes the lead
Thats when I saw it in her eye
It's over

Then she says Te Amo
Then she put her hand around me waist
I told her no,
She cries Te Amo
Told her I'm not gonna run away
But let me go
My soul is a Cry, without ask me why
I said Te Amo, somebody tell me what she said
Don't it mean I love you
Think it means I love you
Don't it mean I love you

Te Amo, Te Amo, she's scared to breathe
I hold her hand, I got no choice uhh
Pull me out on the beach, danced in the water
I start to leave
She's begging me and asking why
It's Over

Then she says Te Amo
then she put her hand around me waist
I told her no,
She cries Te Amo
Told her I'm not gonna run away,
But let me go
My soul is a Cry, without ask me why
I said Te Amo, somebody tell me what she said
Don't it mean I love you
Think it means I love you
Don't it mean I love you
Think it means I love you
I love you

Yes we can dance
But you gotta watch your hands
Watch me all night
I move under the light
Because I understand
That we all need love
And I'm not afraid to feel the love
But I don't feel that way

我想每個人的生命裡都有過愛上一個人, 對方卻沒有相同感覺的經歷吧?
如果你沒有, 想必你是十分幸運的一個人. 要不, 你就是非常的理智.

亦舒曾經說過, 我們大概都先遇到一個愛自己, 自己卻不喜歡的人去學會愛; 然後愛上了一個不喜歡自己的人去學會痛; 最後和一個彼此都不算是最愛卻是最適合的人結婚. 所以我們愛的是一個人, 與我們結婚的, 又往往是另一個人. 實在是很悲觀的人生, no?

Te amo te amo, she says to me, I hear the pain in her voice

林夕說愛上一個不愛自己的人, 攝取感情會像小偷一樣卑微, 一樣小心翼翼. 卑微是真的, 小偷卻未必. 我覺得比較像乞丐. 一個明知沒希望還是奮不顧身, 勇敢的乞丐. 所以在表白'我愛你'的時候, 聲音裡會有那麼多灼熱而迫切的痛.

這一點我想在同性戀和異性戀之間並沒有差別. 只是同性戀要跨越的心理障礙多一點, 所以感情濃烈一點. 但其實, 都是一樣的. 都是一樣的.

愛情, 是所有人類痛並快樂的來源.


只是, 什麼時候我才能勇敢的徹底的愛一次呢?

台長: Tempsfuit
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同感 加油 願你幸福
2010-10-19 00:57:37
bagged it.
2010-12-07 18:42:34

卑微是真的, 小偷卻未必. 我覺得比較像乞丐. 一個明知沒希望還是奮不顧身, 勇敢的乞丐. 所以在表白'我愛你'的時候, 聲音裡會有那麼多灼熱而迫切的痛.
2011-07-26 12:48:30
2011-07-26 14:43:50
2012-01-18 00:38:21
2012-01-18 18:55:46
恭喜您!您此篇文章投稿本週徵文「寫下您的愛情回憶、故事、詩集,送好書!」,文筆極佳、切合主題,已通過小天使的審核了,您可至 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/index/solicit-weekly/74 瀏覽。也別忘了請親朋好友推薦您的文章,活動小組將從通過審核的文章當中,評選出優秀文章,評選標準文章內容70%、文章推薦數及人氣30%,將於投稿截止日後的七天內公佈喔。
2012-06-13 14:41:10
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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