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2007-09-18 16:16:44| 人氣4,784| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

粟耀瑩在Amazon.com的reader review

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好吧, 我承認, 雖然粟耀瑩(Alyce Su)寫的《從加州理工到高盛銀行》已經貼了很多天了, 今天我才正式的坐下來把它讀完. 唉, 效率 啊!!

Anyway, 粟耀瑩說她看了一本叫’Difference between God and Larry Ellison’的書, 去Amazon.com寫了讀後感, 用一個叫Alternative Shuksa的筆名. 出於強烈的好奇想知道這個讓我佩服的女人的英文怎麼樣 (唉呀, 人家是博士, 肯定是沒問題的, 只是想看看說有多好是好), 於是我去Amazon搜了一下, 這不, 就給我找到了.

讀後感很短, 也不算是讀後感, 很短, 像是一個聰明的snarky comment. 不過的確能讀的出她很欣賞佩服Ellison的感覺.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Ellison inspires Hollywood ..., June 24, 2000
By Alternative Shuksa ”alycesu” (Japan) - See all my reviews

Why smoke tons of illicit substances for a script, when all the plots you need is in this book? This book has great entertainment value (please order it directly from Amazon :-), and really deserves massive attention like Oracle’s equity market performance last year. In the past people filmed Wall Street stories, leading to trader-wannabees religiously citing Gordon Gekko’s lines. With the exuberance of New Economy, why not make a movie based on this book? This will make Mike Wilson happy, will give Larry another achievement in life after Oprah :-), will give Hollywood a new idea to monetize, and will give the world a more vivid portrait of the difference between God and Larry Ellison. Financing the film should be no problem for Larry, he might want to think who he wants to cast as himself. I’d like to audition the Adelyn part ...


我又去看她所有的review, 結果她只有寫這一個...
這件事的重點發現是, 作為一個名校博士生, 還是搞科學的, 百忙之中能閱讀這麼多書, 我還有什麼借口浪費時間呢?
而且, 墨大的世界排名比台大高很多, 也就是說客觀上來講, 我在一個比粟耀瑩的大學更好的環境裡求學, 我還年輕, 我應該更努力.

Business Finance - H1
Quantitative Methods - H2A - H1
Organisational Behaviour - H1
Strategic Management - H2A - H1

Hull and White on Derivatives
The McKinsey Way
Liar’s Poker
Goldman Sachs, The Culture of Success
The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison

台長: Tempsfuit
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