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2007-01-27 14:47:43| 人氣74| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Sometimes love just ain’t enough

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Sometimes love just ain’t enough

I don’t wanna lose you,

I don’t wanna use you

just to have sombody by my side

And I don’t wanna hate you

I don’t wanna take you

But I don’t wanna be the one to cry

That don’t really matter to anyone, anymore

But like a fool I keep losing my place

And I keep seeing you walk through that door

But there’s a danger in loving somebody too much

And its sad when you know it’s your heart you can’t trust

There’s a reason why people don’t stay where they are

Baby sometimes love just ain’t enough

Now I could never change you

I don’t wanna blame you

Baby you don’t have to take the fall

Yes I may have hurt you

But I did not desert you

Maybe I just want to have it all

It makes a sound like thunder

It makes me feel like rain

And like a fool who will never see the truth

I keep thinking something’s gonna change

But there’s a danger in loving somebody too much

And its sad when you know it’s your heart you can’t trust

There’s a reason why people don’t stay where they are

Baby sometimes love just ain’t enough

And there’s no way home

when it’s late at night and you’re all alone

Are there things that you wanted to say

Do you feel me beside you in your bed

there beside you where I used to lay

And there’s a Danger in Loving somebody too much

And it’s sad when you know it’s your heart they can’t touch

There’s a reason why people don’t stay who they are

Cause baby sometimes love just ain’t enough

Baby sometimes love just ain’t enough


不願失去你 不願利用你 只願有人長伴我側

並不想恨你 不想征服你 只是不想再哭泣

不再有所謂 像個傻瓜

我不斷退讓 不停看著你來去

愛一個人太深很危險 你知道自己的心不可信有多可悲

人們總是學不乖 寶貝 因為有時愛就是不足夠

既然無法改變你 我也不怪你 寶貝 你無須承擔這個過錯

是的 我也許傷過你 但也從未想要遺棄你 也許我太過貪心

貪求迴盪如雷 就像快下起雨一樣

像個永遠看不清事實的傻子 滿心相信有些事終究會改變

愛一個人太深很危險 你知道自己的心不可信有多可悲

人們總是學不乖 寶貝 因為有時愛就是不足夠

而你孤單一人 卻找不到回家的路

你有什麼話要說嗎 你可在床邊感到我的陪伴 我曾睡臥的床邊

愛一個人太深很危險 你知道自己的心不可信有多可悲

人們總是學不乖 寶貝 因為有時愛就是不足夠

台長: Jin~
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