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2003-08-28 23:54:40| 人氣95| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Waiting for the moon

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[by tindersticks]

We know this place... where we are... doesn't matter,
We know this place, we've been here before

The stars are out waiting for the moon,
The stars are out waiting for us

Pull the blanket now, creep down the stairs,
Don't wake for little ones, the lazy cats, the mice are in their homes

The stars are out waiting for the moon,
The stars are out waiting for us

Ease this raging mind, this raging love
Sometimes it feels like a knife, but not tonight
Sometimes it turns like a knife in me, not tonight

The stars are out waiting for the moon
The stars are out waiting for us

在期待[before sunrise]續集的同時,心想如果當中會有tindersticks的歌便好了,想像這樣的一幕: Celine半夜醒來走到窗前抬頭看著月亮,而jesse則在街上蹓躂,同時間播著waiting for the moon....(不過這樣又好像太過普通...),不知soundtrack會不會由tindersticks來做呢?

台長: 皮夫
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全站分類: 電影賞析(電影情報、觀後感、影評)

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