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2003-05-21 01:25:22| 人氣199| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Delusion Angel by David Jewell

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daydream delusion
limousine eyelash
oh baby with your pretty face
drop a tear in my wine glass
look at those big eyes on your face

see what you mean to me
sweet cakes and milk shakes
I'm a delusion angel
I'm a fantasy parade
want you to know what I think
don't want you to guess anymore

you have no idea where I came from
we have no idea where we're going
lodged in life like branches in a river
flowing downstream
caught in the current
I'll carry you
you carry me
that's how it could be
don't you know me
don't you know me by now.

今天重看了Before Sunrise, 突然覺得Jessie 同Celine是不會在半年後再見的(雖然之後他們在Waking Life裡一同出現,還繼續討論reincarnation), 是否因為Jessie說過:Why does everybody think that relationships were supposed to last forever?

台長: 皮夫


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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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