這篇文章是給你的: !你在板上的問題我今天才看到,神給你回應了,因為祂知道你心中的苦痛!
Letting go, saying goodbye
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,
Ecclesiastes 3:1-3
再見了老朋友,這最後的話語, 在馬克思嚥下最後一口氣,結束於生活中的對話。塞蒙跟馬克思是一起長大的好友.在婚禮上互為伴郎.現在這些年過去了,咒詛在生命中游走.生病幾個月後,疾病偷走了他的力量。由朋友及家人的手,,他被上帝的手釋放,然後死去。雖然賽蒙很健康,但是那天佔據他心中,他的朋友不再活在這世界上。他跟上帝在一起了。放手吧!當生命帶你通過轉變,是痛苦的。
Goodbye old friend. Those where the final words, that ended a life conversation between the two as Max took his last breath. Samuel and Max grew up as close friends. Each stood as best man for the other in their weddings. Now the years had passed them bye. Their course in life had been traveled. Max became sick a few months ago. Sickness had stolen his strength. From the hands of friends and family, Max was released into the hands of God and crossed over into death. Although Samuel was healthy, that day a whole was placed in his heart. His friend was no longer alive in this world. He was in the presence of God. Letting go when life takes you through transition is sometimes painful.
No one knows the sacrifice and love you had invested in a relationship. No one can begin to understand the emptiness that one will feel when they have to let go of something that they never considered living without. It is hard to say goodbye. Life is filled with transitions.
All things pass away. Jobs end, businesses change, children marry, people die, and sometimes relationships fail. Life is filled with transitions. Seasons of change come no matter what you do. They are part of life. We must learn to go through the transition in faith. You may be confused during those times. God does not expect you to understand why to everything. Have confidence and trust in Him. He knows why things happened the way they did.
Sometimes it happens even against His desire and will. Trust God through the change. Letting go and saying goodbye can be very difficult and painful. I want to encourage you today. Even at the moment it might hurt, this too will pass. A new day will arise and your pain will turn into God's praise. Here are a few suggestions to help in transition.
#1 Have courage. God is with and will never leave your side. Draw strength from Him. Walk boldly knowing that when you are weak He is strong. Be brave and courageous.
# 2 Allow the Holy Spirit to bring you comfort. A friend of mine was going through a difficult time. Diagnosed with cancer, his body began to fail him. As I went to visit him in the hospital, I prayed with him and encouraged him to pray in the spirit. Strength came into his body. Today He is walking strong. This is a man that knows how to run to the great comforter. The Holy Ghost. Turn to the Holy Spirit. Invite him to fellowship.
#3 Plant every tear. The Word of God says in Psalm 126:6:
He who continually goes forth weeping, Bearing seed for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves with him.
Turn your tears into seeds. What are you believing God for? What prayers do you need to be answered? Plant your seed of tears and expect a harvest. They are precious seeds that God honors.
Prayer: Father, my life is filled with change. I do not know what will happen tomorrow. I trust You with my life. If I must walk rough roads, it is OK. You are with me. Like David said in Psalm 23, I confess that Your rode and staff comfort me. I hold onto Your Word and Promise for my life. Send healing to my wounds. I thank You for never leaving my side. In Jesus name, amen.
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