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2017-08-20 17:51:19

Lady's Gospel Project Class

Every Sunday afternoon, Rm305, 2:30PM.(Starts at Sep. 3)Grace Baptist Church懷恩堂http://www.gbc.org.tw/en/

2017-08-20 17:47:50

AWANA Taipei

AWANA & Preschool start at Sep. 2. KindergartentoGrade 6---11:20AM~12:50PM.Age 3 to 5---11:40AM~12:40PM.Grace Baptist Church懷恩堂http://www.gbc.org.tw/en/

2017-08-14 16:51:42

Friday NTU Group

For university students who like to learn about Christianity and discuss in English.Time:12:15~13:15, Fri. (Resumes Sep. 15)Grace Baptist Church懷恩堂http://www.gbc.org.tw/en/

2017-08-14 16:48:23

Gospel Project- Fall 2017 Begins September 3

From 2017, GBC English Congregation has combined our Sunday sermon with Sunday School class (Gospel Project is a three-year curriculum Bible study from Genesis to Revelation).Our chronological study h...

2017-08-14 16:41:31

2017 Men's Bible Studys

Grace Baptist Church English Congregation is excited to announce a bi-monthly English Bible Study for men. This is suited for men who want to grow a deeper spiritual insight in their daily walk as Chr...

2017-08-11 18:34:21


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMo9YKiLTEc 20170423主啊!你知道 Grace Baptist Church懷恩堂 http://www.gbc.org.tw/

2017-08-11 18:32:46

Universiade Taipei 2017

The torch relay in Taipei (GBC)Do you really want to live forever? Forever young~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmYoyTmN-Qk:>

2017-08-11 18:25:19

The Miracle of Forgiveness

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLaLK01k7Y020170806Jesus heals the paralytic主耶穌醫好四人抬來的癱子Matt. 9:1-8Mark 2:1-12Luke 5:17-26

2017-08-11 17:39:15


2017/08/11 尋根、巡禮音樂會 2017/08/18 磐石大提琴重奏音樂會 時間:週五晚上7:30地點:懷恩堂(台北市新生南路3段90號2樓.02-2362-5321)http://www.gbc.org.tw/index.php/ministry/friday-night-conce...

2017-08-11 17:05:48

成人健檢/只要掛號費 7成民眾沒用過


2017-08-11 16:59:52



2017-08-05 17:45:53

Jazzy Afternoon with Fresh Groove 熱鬧爵士派對

爵士下午茶(Free)時間:2017/8/26 Sat. 2:00~5:30PM地點:台北 國家音樂大廳(由6號門入場)爵士戶外派對(Free)時間:2017/8/26 Sat. 6:30~21:30PM地點:台北 兩廳院藝文廣場TEL:02-3393-9888http://par.npac-ntch.org/art...

2017-07-23 16:07:58



2017-07-23 15:57:54


來! 來! 來! 週末有一個快樂的天堂等著你!小朋友有外語、舞蹈、棋藝、體能、藝術等的學習;家長們也可借由父母加油站,與其他的父母彼此認識及分享身為父母的喜樂和挑戰。時間: 每週六上午地址台北市新生南路三段90號...

2017-07-23 15:40:49

7-8月免費週五音樂會(PM 7:00入場; 7:30開演)

2017/07/28 頂尖對決~美聲與弦樂的饗宴 2017/08/04 ~聲.情~林惠珍獨唱會 2017/08/11 尋根、巡禮音樂會 2017/08/18 磐石大提琴重奏音樂會 地點:台北市新生南路三段90號(2F會堂)電話:(02) ...

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