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2020-06-06 20:28:38

2020/5/30 詩歌分享Hymns to share

2020/5/30 詩歌分享Hymns to share (歡迎分享&留言) **詩歌分享Hymns to share: 安靜Still https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YRgF25YBIg 在神沒有難成的事 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1FkQqsqRGA ...

2020-05-22 18:48:06

COVID-19 紐約.印尼.緬北.& 東非.印度疫情

** 2020-5-9【好消息國度報導 節目精華】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pafmfXoUYe8 6. 全球疫情震央 紐約大都會與窮苦人一同站立 7. 紐約重災區體現人類渺小 神是唯一盼望 8. 疫情重創印尼 隔離期教會鼓勵重...

2020-05-22 18:40:46

2020/5/23 詩歌分享Hymns to share

2020/5/23 詩歌分享Hymns to share (歡迎分享&留言) **詩歌分享Hymns to share: 委身之歌 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NsT1MThql4 如鹿切慕溪水 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PG1n7Z3WsjU As T...

2020-05-22 18:37:43

2020/5/16 詩歌分享Hymns to share

2020/5/16 詩歌分享Hymns to share (歡迎分享&留言) **詩歌分享Hymns to share: 我已得自由 I Have Been Set Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvND3uisjho 惟有主愛充滿在我心 https://www.youtube....

2020-05-22 18:35:15

2020/5/9 詩歌分享Hymns to share

2020/5/9 詩歌分享Hymns to share (歡迎分享&留言) **詩歌分享Hymns to share: I Believe (讚美之泉) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j69OWSfUlhM 這世代 This Generation https://www.youtube.com/watc...

2020-05-06 15:58:33

暢銷作家九把刀:媽媽的一巴掌 讓我學會同理心

暢銷作家九把刀:媽媽的一巴掌 讓我學會同理心 (今周刊)2012-05-10 「老大自信、老二叛逆、老么迷人」:出生順序默默影響著你的性格。統計學說:老二通常比較個性樂觀、喜好自由發展! 或說,為人父母總是「老大照...

2020-05-06 15:47:25


新北市立圖書館於5月4日重新開館,我在"親親溫馨五月展"看到九把刀寫的"媽,親一下"(註1),真是覺得溫馨有趣.也一併推薦另外兩本書給大家:"帶媽媽去旅行-媽,你才是A++背包客"(註2)和"陪媽媽的100個精心的時刻"(註3). 祝...

2020-05-05 17:23:08

2020/5/2 詩歌分享Hymns to share

2020/5/2 詩歌分享Hymns to share (歡迎分享&留言) **詩歌分享Hymns to share: I Know Who Holds Tomorrow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GKNbmYOAow 但我知誰掌管明天 https://www.youtube.com/watch...

2020-05-05 16:51:33

GBC: May 9 & 10~ (Mandarin &English Service)

Currently tillMay 31, all church meetings and activities in GBC will be cancelled or held online. 即日起至 5/31 止,本堂暫停所有實體聚會及活動,改為網路進行。之後的措施另行公告。 ** 中文(六)18:00 p...

2020-05-04 13:52:26

GBC 2020 VBS is cancelled but AWANA is start from this week

Due to COVID-19 situation,2020 Vacation Bible School is cancelled. After stopping for a few weeks, AWANA & Preschool classes will start meeting online using Zoom. The first meeting will be at 11:...

2020-04-28 18:57:46

GBC: Apr.25 & 26  & May 2 & 3 (Mandarin &English Service)

Currently tillMay 31, all church meetings and activities in GBC will be cancelled or held online. The measures that the church will apply after April 23 will be announced at a future date. 即日起至 5...

2020-04-28 18:32:33

2020/4/25 詩歌分享Hymns to share

2020/4/25 詩歌分享Hymns to share (歡迎分享&留言) **詩歌分享Hymns to share: Great Is Thy Faithfulness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k1WhFtVp0o 祢信實何廣大 Great Is Thy Faithfulness https:...

2020-04-28 18:25:14

2020/4/18 詩歌分享Hymns to share

(歡迎分享&留言) **詩歌分享Hymns to share: 雲上太陽 (Sun Above the Cloud) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szDR9OjzaQQ 耶穌我來就你 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdp_TvUy28g Jesus I Come (Hy...

2020-04-21 18:38:55


梁文音【我怎能不為主活】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzWYLFcUnts 2020年4月20日 * 葉家妤 阿Ben白吉勝 徐小可 楊佩潔【願祢降臨】| 宋逸民牧師信息【蒙福的入口2】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ...

2020-04-21 18:21:55

蔣雅淇 Vivian Chiang

* 蔣雅淇《看見百分之一的希望》線上分享會:六年六百餐的恩典餐桌直擊 https://www.facebook.com/vivian.yachi.chiang/videos/635180563987333/ 2020/03/21 * 書摘/不准任何人孤單…主播蔣雅淇向前...

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