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2007-12-29 11:58:33


您的精神年齡15歲 與您實際年齡差0歲 幼稚度56% 成熟度36% 老化度3% 去測測看唄!顆顆我的實際和心智是一樣耶 網址是http://myidk.com/age.php

2007-12-28 23:34:56


Wow~I finally met my super idol of English teacher Gabe Since he teach Let’s talk in English I started to listen to his teaching now he is in Studio Classroom If I am free I will listen it too...

2007-12-28 19:44:11

The Best Christmas

This Christmas I recieved lots of cards and candy Thanks for S1B’s classmates I’m very happy My Parents gave me a camera,necklace from Japan and Anna Sui’s eyeliners It was so cool I love all...

2007-12-28 19:32:54

Busy December

這有點多..懶的用英文 這個月超忙的 因為有聖誕節所以我有超多的活動 先是和婷宇去淡水買卡片 賤人幫有約 去美術館 又去了士林 還有空英的活動 聖誕節那天有望彌紗 最...

2007-12-22 23:00:26


I just want to say I am too happy that I talk to Gabe 哈哈! I will write it more later

2007-12-17 19:11:28

Weird Guys

這用中文好了 今天放學遇到怪怪的一群人 我一下車 在芝山 他們一群人騎著摩托車 我不小心跟其中一個對看了一下 然後我們的校車走後 他們還跟他揮手 之後我就很順的走掉 他們還一直說要不要上車之類的= = 嚇...

2007-12-16 17:47:27


I thought it won’t ever occured on me but I’m too self-confidently It really happened I don’t know what to do It distried our balace I hate to be like this I don’t know what to do

2007-12-14 20:55:20


Since finished the exam I went out almost every week I went to 士林 many times and 淡水 I’m really crazy OH~I really want to see 阿布 face to face But I can’t Will...Maybe next time

2007-12-11 19:46:07


山間公路上三名持槍歹徙居然盯上漂亮的女司機,強迫中巴停下, 要帶女司機下車去玩玩,女司機情急呼救,全車乘客噤若寒蟬。 只有一中年瘦弱男子應聲奮起,卻被打傷在地。 男子氣極.奮起大呼全車人制止暴行,卻...

2007-12-04 20:07:40

Watch Movie

that day is a busy day I went to 公館 again with SH friends after we met there There are 婷宇、筠玫、點點、Bird and me we went to by tickets and take photo in 蓋庫 then 紅紅and 若慈 finally came ...

2007-12-04 19:59:28

Welcome back

We went to eat SIZZLER I think it was delicious but I didn’t eat much that day after it we walk to 天母西路and天母棒球場 The boys keep playing basketball I have so much feeling Since Graduate ...

2007-12-01 19:25:43

Please don’t do that

I have loosing many things just because of you I hope you won’t take this I really care about this so ... If you take this I will be very disappointed of you Maybe hate you Just stop trying ...

2007-12-01 19:21:46


You really change you know? I don’t know the reason Is it because of him ? I just don’t want you to be like that person I hope you can realize I really care about you... But if you keep d...

2007-12-01 17:49:18

Dating to 公館

After the test ,I went to 公館 with 阿慈慈 and Bird We take the bus and the MRT to there we first went to eat the delicios 章魚燒 and went to 蓋庫 to use my coupon The coolest thing is We only sp...

2007-12-01 17:08:28


Many people said that things that not belongs you then don’t try to keep it It won’t come back I didn’t believe it till now I reaize that is true I’m trying to keep it but it doesn’t wor...

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