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Once Again

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Once Again


Jesus Christ,   I think upon Your sacrifice,    主耶穌想到祢為我釘十架

You became noth-ing, poured out to death.     祢降至卑微倒空而死  

Many times    I’ve wondered at Your gift of life,   多少次感到祢賜生命奇妙

And I’m in that place once a-gain.           當再次來到祢面前

I’m in that place once a-gain.                 我再來到祢面前



And once again I look upon the cross where You died,  再一次我仰望祢受死的十架

 I’m humbled by Your mercy and I’m broken inside.  因祢的憐憫使我破碎完全降服

Once again I thank You,              再一次我感謝

 once again I pour out my life.          再一次我獻上自己



 Now You are exalted to the highest place,          到如今祢已升到至高處

 King of the heavens, where one day I’ll bow.  諸天之君王我謙卑俯伏

 But for now, I marvel at this saving grace,   但此時我驚嘆祢救贖恩典

 And I’m full of praise once again.     我要滿心讚美祢

 I’m full of praise once again.      再來滿心讚美祢



Thank You for the cross,               感謝祢十架 

Thank You for the cross,       感謝祢十架

Thank You for the cross, my Friend.     感謝祢十架 我主

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