You could find out there's not much connection in between, but, I wonder....
origin people moving on land could be trace, and on island could be another option though. Just find out some imagines on facebook and I'm actually waiting for more than eight years to get one. It comes so lucky~
In additon, just read an article on APOD via facebook almost the same time. There's not much connetion.....Just read.
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APOD: In the Center of the Trifid Nebula (2020 Nov 01)
Image Credit: Subaru Telescope (NAOJ), Hubble Space Telescope, Martin Pugh; Processing: Robert Gendler
Explanation: What's happening at the center of the Trifid Nebula? Three prominent dust lanes that give the Trifid its name all come together. Mountains of opaque dust appear near the bottom, while other dark filaments of dust are visible threaded throughout the nebula. A single massive star visible near the center causes much of the Trifid's glow. The Trifid, cataloged as M20, is only about 300,000 years old, making it among the youngest emission nebulas known. The star forming nebula lies about 9,000 light years away toward the constellation of the Archer (Sagittarius). The region pictured here spans about 10 light years. The featured image is a composite with luminance taken from an image by the 8.2-m ground-based Subaru Telescope, detail provided by the 2.4-m orbiting Hubble Space Telescope, color data provided by Martin Pugh and image assembly and processing provided by Robert Gendler.
Starship Asterisk* • APOD Discussion Page
APOD: 在Triffid星雲中心(2020年11月01日)
圖片來源: Subaru望遠鏡(NAOJ), 哈勃太空望遠鏡, 馬丁·普格; 處理: Robert Gendler
解釋: 三角星雲中心發生了什麼事? 三條突出的塵埃通道, 給Trifid命名. 不透明的山塵埃出現在底部附近, 而其他黑暗的塵埃則在星雲中可見. 在中心附近可見的一顆巨大的恆星會引起Trifid的很多光芒. Trifid, 目錄為M20, 只有大約300,000歲, 成為已知最年輕的發射星雲之一. 形成星雲的恆星距離弓箭手星座大約9,000光年. 此處畫的地區大約10光年. 這張特色影象是一種合成物, 由8.2米地面的斯巴魯望遠鏡拍攝的亮度, 由2.4米軌道的哈勃太空望遠鏡提供, 由馬丁·普格提供的彩色資料以及影象組裝和處理. 由Robert Gendler提供.
目前學界主流觀點是「出台灣說」(Out-of-Taiwan model),認為最晚在西元前3000年,南島語族從台灣開始向外遷徙,逐漸擴散到整個太平洋甚至馬達加斯加,這個觀點近年得到語言學、考古學與基因研究的高度支持。本圖是基於出台灣說建構的南島語族擴張過程(P. Bellwood et al. 2011),經由
終身旅人Jerome X 旅行熱炒店Podcast
除了南島語族之外,其實台灣與南太平洋還有其他不為人知的文化連結!想了解更多,歡迎收聽旅行熱炒店podcast ep.18與ep.19——
【EP18 [法屬玻里尼西亞] 我在大溪地遇見KMT! ft. 端傳媒記者 李易安】
【EP19 [索羅門群島] 新不了情:與台灣分手後的索羅門群島 ft. 端傳媒記者 李易安】
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終身旅人Jerome X 旅行熱炒店Podcast