We could not do anything more or marine creature, weather crisis or protect our coastline. But keep going to folllow Dr. Jauwen Chan as .....
The temperature decresed under seawater recently, 3 or 4 meters deep around Betou park, let's read after Dr. Jauwen Chen.
2020年除了肺炎疫情, 對於愛海洋的我們來說,
因此, 我們將於10月21日(三)19:30於三創生活園區
舉辦「追逐珊瑚Chasing Coral」 影片放映會,
並於映後特別邀請中研院 陳昭倫博士來與我們分享台灣今年的珊瑚白化狀況~ 想更了解台灣的海洋嗎?


Seawater temperature finally starts to decrease. The temperature was detected around 28 degree Celsius
at 3 to 4 meter deep in Bitou Park. Hopefully the Northeast monsoon can continue to bring down seawater temperature in the Northern and Northeastern Taiwan.
There is no exciting news from our underwater observation of coral bleaching. Bleached corals start to decease in the Bitou Park. Tissue tissue necrosis is observed in the large Porites bommies and turf algae start to grow on the whitening skeleton. Gonipora polyps are no longer extending and part of tissues also show necrosis. Pocillopora colonies are obviously dead and covered by turf algae.
Nevertheless, we observe Stylophora colonies start to regain colour, and Merulinidae, such as Dipsastraea, Favites, and Astrea, although look white, tissues remain intact. Hopefully, they could recover their symbiotic algae after seawater temperature return to normal.