您有評論嗎? 可以留言在下方讓WitchVera知道嗎? 先謝謝您來訪並讀文~~ ^__^
---------- Forwarded message ----------Date: 2015-02-28 17:55 GMT+08:00Subject: 非法入侵與家暴 (break-in and home abuse)To: witchvera <verajypon@gmail.com>"我活著, 問題在分子; 我了結, 問題在分母。’’ 忘了聽誰說的,
不過 這要發生在Vancouver or Winnipeg, Canada 應該是20部警車
加一台直升機來追~~ 追到的嫌犯是要寫份悔過書的!
請問您看了郵件之後, 怎麼想呢?
祝福 新春喜迎羊年樂 光明遠大展鴻圖
---------- Forwarded message ----------Date: 2014-12-28 7:50 GMT+08:00Subject: break-in and home abuse
Anyone here who could reply this: Four persons entered your room in a three-floor apartment when you sit on the bed, one of them is your family. What happened? What will happen?
四個大人(A女, B男, C男與D男)無預警闖入你位於三樓透天厝的房間, 你(G女)正坐在床上, 四人其中一人還是你家人。 請問是怎麼了? 應該怎樣後續處理?
另有一部警車在一樓門外, 至少也有兩名警員(E男與F男)。 怎麽說動這樣的陣仗? 又憑借什麼樣的條文? 換句話: 法律有問題? 公權力被什麼綁架?
A女: 永遠的三嫂
B男: 桃園的老大
C男 與 D男: 事後確認為消防隊員
E男 與 F男: 事後追蹤為警員 (已錄影 共有六名大人)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2014-12-24 23:48 GMT+08:00
Subject: Re: break-in and home abuse
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I'm sorry that you were upset of certain situation in life but you need to remember that you are always as good as other people in your life.
I never come across to you and my Dad side of the family. I don't know any of you and your family members very well. But I would be very upsetting if the same situation happening to me. If you have any religion and believe, that will help you heal your pain. People change, and don't expect more so you will hurt less.
Always remember that you already have the best in life. Expect less then happiness will come.
I miss my grandparents very much too and I can't wait to see them again soon.
Take good care of yourself and do things that will cheer you up.